Despite the lies, right-wing extremist fascists demonstrate with very little participation

Despite the lies, right-wing extremist fascists demonstrate with very little participation

Despite the lies, right-wing extremist fascists demonstrate with very little participation

Main figures of the far-right fascist opposition, August 2024 Photo: @BiagioPilieri

August 17, 2024 Hour: 3:23 p.m.

The fascist rally in the Mercedes district of Caracas is chaired by Maria Machado, the most important satrap of the extreme right.

On Saturday, the extreme right called for a hate demonstration in the streets of Caracas. Despite the media lies that guarantee the participation of the majority of the Venezuelan population, in reality the participation in the march was low and almost zero.

Venezuelans lead national march in support of President Maduro

The fascist rally in the Mercedes district of Caracas is chaired by Maria Machado, the most important satrap of the extreme right.

In the eyes of international imperialist media such as Infobae or the far-right wing of El Pais, the march unites thousands of Venezuelans. However, aerial photographs show a minimal concentration of less than a city block with a maximum of 100 people.

According to Communications Minister Freddy Ñañez, this right-wing demonstration is only aimed at making the strength of the Venezuelan people invisible to international public opinion, which, however, will not happen, said Ñañez.

The first vice president of the PSUV, Diosdado Cabello, had already denounced on Saturday the fascist attempts of the right to undermine order among the Venezuelan people.

“They are looking for people who commit violence and kill people themselves,” Cabello said.

Author: CC

Source: teleSURtv-Infobae-PL-El Pais

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