Do cyclists in Boise ride outrageously fast?

Do cyclists in Boise ride outrageously fast?

Maybe you’ve recently moved to Boise, Idaho. You may notice the beautiful foothills, the wide variety of fantastic restaurants, and the friendly people.

What you may not have noticed are the cyclists who race past you at (what feels like) 160 km/h and almost tear off a body part.

Well, some people Are They take note of this and issue a warning to all Boisians who have decided to travel by bike.

Boise residents are demanding a change to county ordinance that would require cyclists to ride “responsibly” in the Boise River Greenbelt.

Walking along the Greenbelt is a must in Boise. It’s quiet, peaceful, and beautiful, and you don’t necessarily have to run into the bushes to avoid being hit by a cyclist speeding down the sidewalk.

So where does it go from here? At the time of this writing, not much. There have been meetings and hearings, but no major concrete changes have been made that would force those who ride bikes on the Greenbelt to slow down.

If nothing else, be careful. Be aware of your surroundings. If you Are Please wear a helmet when riding a bicycle. Even if you ride slowly and safely, this author almost lost a good friend in a low-speed bicycle accident. Please, please take care of yourselves out there.

Would you like to enjoy nature on Foot instead of cycling? Honestly, you couldn’t be in a better place in the World then you will find some fantastic hiking opportunities here in Boise:

The 6 best hikes in Boise

Do these hikes before fall!

Gallery credit: Shannon Buccola

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