Streamer plays Crash Bandicoot with a dance pad and somehow succeeds

Streamer plays Crash Bandicoot with a dance pad and somehow succeeds

It looks like N’Sanity, but a streamer named KittyRawr is trying to play Crash Bandicoot with a dance pad controller and is successful. She managed to complete the first three levels of the game before giving up due to exhaustion.

“Guys, I expected this game to be hard, but dude,” KittyRawr said before being interrupted. Towards the end of the session, Kitty said she was “a sweaty wreck,” probably because she had to use her feet to type the keys so much. “I have to honestly admit that I only managed to get through the last three levels; it’s hard.”

Crash Bandicoot is funnily known as Dark Souls of platform games, as you need precise timing and a feel for what’s happening around the bandicoot. The first game in particular is challenging. In our review of the N’Sane Trilogy, we say that this series has a “different, razor-sharp feel that many bloated modern game designs lack.” It also says, “The first iteration is definitely bumpier, especially at the beginning, but it really gets going, and by the time the second game comes out, they’ve completely got it together.”

Speedrun and cosplay streamer KittyRawr says they will continue their game in the future for “Round 2” on August 17. Hopefully they can complete the game using the dancepad alone. She has completed the first three resident Evil Games, Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, and the first three Metal Gear Solid There have been many games in the past that have used this input method, so it is certainly possible to complete Crash Bandicoot with it.

If you don’t know what a dance pad is, it’s a controller that you place on the floor, with the D-pad assigned to the arrow keys and the buttons in the corners of the square mat.

It was used for games like Dance Dance Revolution, Music rhythm games that required you to move your feet. They were huge hits in the late 90s and 2000s and even had a Mario version on the GameCube.

The last game with Crash in a 3D platform game is the popular fourth entry with the appropriate title It’s time.

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