Brendan Allen and Marvin Vettori fought on the casino floor last night after the PFL playoffs

Brendan Allen and Marvin Vettori fought on the casino floor last night after the PFL playoffs

Last night I was with Big Ev and JackMac at the PFL Playoffs in Hollywood, Florida – and as we entered the venue, (the Hard Rock Casino)I turned to Ev and said “You know, it’s a miracle that there aren’t more fights in the casino as soon as the fighting stops.”

The combination of all that alcohol and testosterone with that highly stimulating environment just seems like a recipe for disaster, you know? Especially between teams/camps if anything out of the ordinary or controversial happens in the cage during the course of the evening.

Anyway – I had an early flight, so I went back to our hotel as soon as the main event (a great fight between Impa Kasaganay and Josh Silveira) finished while Ev/Jack stayed to play at the tables, and before I got back I saw that they had tweeted about a fight in the casino…

I immediately asked if they had seen the film or just heard about it second hand, and the answer was unfortunately the latter – but according to them, the story at the Hard Rock was that Brendan Allen had attacked Marvin Vettori and was thrown out; and that’s the news we spread!

Then the videos came out and they paint a slightly different picture…

Brendan Allen may have attacked Vettori, but he definitely wasn’t knocked to the ground by a one-armed man. So, uh… sorry, Brendan!

Giphy images.


Thereafter And After our last exchange this summer, I have the feeling that he probably hates us from the bottom of his heart; perhaps rightly so…

Our mistake! Please don’t make either of us the next victim at the casino if we ever cross paths!!

I have no idea what caused all this, but this tweet from Alex Behunin is the most information we have…

I’m not sure why Vettori would swing at someone who only has one weak arm, but maybe we’ll learn more in the next few days.

Dana certainly didn’t miss an opportunity to make fun of this news on Twitter…


Something tells me we’re still only in the first inning in the Dana White-PFL rivalry.

PS: Walking into the lobby of my hotel at 1am to see Flavor Flav wearing a full US team jumpsuit and what I could only assume was some kind of water polo helmet was the ultimate mindfuck.

Shoutout Flavor Flav. What a nice guy. He was at the fights to support his godson – Muhammad Ali’s grandson, Biaggio Ali Walsh – who scored a massive knockout in his second professional fight ever….

Lately, though, he’s been everywhere. Everywhere I look, I see Flavor Flav. I’m not entirely convinced that there aren’t multiple flavors currently available.

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