Emily in Paris Season 4 Episode 1 Summary: Point Break

Emily in Paris Season 4 Episode 1 Summary: Point Break

A new season of Emily in Paris is here—well, part of it anyway—and the season 4 premiere wastes no time in following up on the shocking events of the season 3 finale. You know, the scene where Camille left Gabriel at the altar and managed to destroy Emily and Alfie’s relationship by coming clean and claiming Emily and Gabriel still had feelings for each other. And then there was that little pregnancy bombshell Gabriel dropped on Emily at the end of the season, revealing that the only reason he and Camille were running down the aisle was because Camille was pregnant!

Needless to say, Season 3 gave us a lot to process, and the new season wastes no time getting back into the action. Literally. We start the season with Emily watching a recap of events via a TikTok from Camille’s brother that doesn’t exactly paint Emily in the best light.

ATTENTION: Large spoilers for Emily in Paris Season 4, episode 1 is coming!

At the beginning of the season, we learn that Alfie has completely shut Emily out, while she still doesn’t see Gabriel as an alternative. Still, it doesn’t take long for Emily and Gabriel to become close this season after she helps him bring groceries to his apartment and starts cooking for him so he can rest his injured hand.

Emily tells Gabriel that she hasn’t heard from Alfie, and he tells her that he feels the same way about Camille, who hasn’t been in touch since she left him at the altar. Even though the whole situation with Camille is out of his hands, he wants to help Emily and Alfie make things right, but we know that’s not going to work – after all, we’ve seen three seasons of the show so far.

Mixing personal and professional life becomes Emily’s undoing, as she doesn’t have much time to distract herself from the problems in her personal life when she finds out that Ami wants to use her and Alfie as the faces of her new perfume commercials after last season’s hot air balloon advert was so successful. Emily tries her best to distract by suggesting a kiss cam, but this only leads to the Ami team demanding that she and Alfie be present at the tennis event to serve as the final kiss for the brand event. When Sylvie gets wind of TikTok making the rounds, her solution is simple: she must solve the problem and make Alfie show up.

Well, that’s easier said than done, apparently. When Alfie sees the Ami poster of the two of them outside his gym, he finally breaks his silence and calls her. He reproaches her for not telling him about the poster and asks her to make sure it goes away.

She then visits Alfie at the gym and things don’t go as planned there either as he gets distracted by her arrival in the ring and takes a punch to the face, causing him to fall to the mat. While she helps put ice on his bruised face, Emily assures Alfie that she will clean up her mess and asks him to talk to her about what happened at the wedding. Poor Alfie just needs more time to process things, which is understandable as his biggest fears have come to light in front of all their friends and Emily’s assurances that she never wanted him to get hurt don’t exactly do much good.

Emily worries that she might screw up another one of Julien’s campaigns and tries to come up with a backup plan for the event, anticipating that Alfie won’t show up. She tries to create an avatar model for the campaign, but that just won’t work, which we know Emily also realizes. She warns Julien that Alfie probably won’t show up and tries to sell him on the avatar plan, but he won’t go for it, assuring her that this is the last time Emily will interfere with his work. (He later makes good on this promise by quitting and going to work for JVMA.)

While Emily is upset about the campaign, Alfie goes to Gabriel’s restaurant where he confronts Gabriel about his actions. Alfie tells Gabriel he thought he was his friend and then lied to his face about Emily. Gabriel says he didn’t lie as nothing happened between them during their relationship. Alfie asks if he has feelings for Emily and Gabriel says his feelings for her aren’t important and he won’t stand in his way as he walks away… which wasn’t exactly the most reassuring answer, let’s be honest.

When the time comes for the kiss cam, it looks like Emily is going to ruin everything, but then Alfie shows up. He tells her that he may have overreacted and apologizes for running away. He talks about his worries about always having to look over his shoulder and losing her to Gabriel. Emily reassures Alfie that while she once felt something for Gabriel, she cares about Alfie and they can’t fake anything. Sadly, Alfie doesn’t think he can get over things and tells Emily that he will always be waiting for the other shoe to drop and it’s over. They kiss on the kiss cam, but it’s a goodbye kiss, not a romantic kiss.

When Emily returns from the event, another bombshell drops when Gabriel reveals that he just spoke to Camille’s mother on the phone and Camille is apparently missing. No one has seen or heard from her since the wedding and Camille has disappeared!

Elsewhere in the episode, Mindy, Benoit and Étienne meet the people from the Eurovision Song Contest and their dream is quickly thrown into jeopardy when they learn that they will have to finance all expenses related to the event themselves.

As Mindy tries to figure out what to do to keep her Eurovision dream alive, she is tested again in the form of an awkward and horrific conversation with Nicholas and his father. At the tennis event, Mindy overhears a conversation between Nicolas and his father in which Nicolas’ father basically calls Mindy a bitch. What makes matters worse is that Nicolas doesn’t speak up to defend Mindy.

After accusing him of feeling worthless, Mindy assures Nicolas that no one will tell her what she can and cannot wear and storms out.

Angry, Mindy decides to sell the outfit Nicolas bought for her for the tennis match and makes a big profit, which helps her tremendously in the Eurovision Song Contest.


During the premiere of the fourth season of Emily in Paris, We see Sylvie juggling many things, including the upcoming launch of Antoine’s newest fragrance: Crystal Heart. After his wife Catherine files for divorce, Antoine is under pressure to make sure the whole thing is a huge success, and he needs Sylvie’s help to pull it off. She’s unsure about the name, but he later changes it to Heartbreak after Alfie tells him that the kiss the public saw at the tennis match wasn’t romance, but heartbreak.

She also helps Laurent prepare for the opening of his new club, even though he is working with Louis de Lion, the CEO of JVMA, who has a more than complicated past with Sylvie. She is very hesitant about Laurent working with Louis, and this reluctance only grows when she receives a call about a story being worked on that concerns Louis de Lion and his treatment of female subordinates.

It’s clear that Sylvie has a big decision to make this season, because coming clean about Louis could jeopardize everything Laurent is working so hard on.

Emily in Paris Season 4 is now streaming on Netflix!

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