According to the final report from Lincoln Electric System, the July storm caused costs of  million

According to the final report from Lincoln Electric System, the July storm caused costs of $2 million

LINCOLN, Nebraska (KLKN) – Lincoln Electric System on Friday released a final breakdown of damages and costs from the July 31 storm.

Wind speeds reached 80 to 90 miles per hour, causing tree limbs to fall, power lines to snap, and more than 30,000 Lincoln residents to be left without power.

LES estimated that the storm cost the utility nearly $2 million in labor, hardware, hotels, out-of-town relief workers and more.

SEE ALSO: Lincoln restaurant throws away $1,800 worth of spoiled food after power outage

This was considered the third largest storm in LES history.

The utility said up to 280 of its employees were working nonstop to restore power, with assistance from utility companies in Norris, Grand Island, Hastings and Nebraska City.

“So many people have asked us, ‘How can we help?'” said Paul Crist, vice president of LES. “We’ve had people bring popsicles to the teams on the ground. We’ve had people help with laundry and things like that.”

For most people, power was restored within 48 hours, but for some it took almost 4 days.

SEE ALSO: Roofing crews in Lincoln are asking people to “hang in there” as they work to repair storm damage

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