Shoutout to this girl who gained 300,000 followers on TikTok by accidentally convincing the world she was Amish

Shoutout to this girl who gained 300,000 followers on TikTok by accidentally convincing the world she was Amish

On July 7, an Amish girl named Spice (@spice0765) posted a TikTok. It went viral. 4.1 million views and 481,900 likes.

People were fascinated by her because she was Amish, and Amish weren’t supposed to have phones. In hindsight, that probably should have made it clear to everyone that the whole thing was a ruse. But Amish can be sneaky. They’re people like everyone else. Of course, a young Amish girl who has been completely sheltered her whole life is curious about the world around her, so it’s understandable that when she comes across a cell phone one day, she’d take it home to see what all the fuss is about.

Still, everyone believed her. This girl who was simply an actress who had to dress up as an Amish woman for a role and decided to post a TikTok while dressed up made people think she was actually Amish with a single video. So she said, “Damn… these idiots all think I’m actually Amish. I guess I’ll just be Amish.”

Everyone believed her. Or at least enough people that she started to become big. She posted a new video about every other day. After just one month, she had amassed 286.8k followers. She amassed a total of around 80 million views with just 18 posts. All just simple TikTok dances or simple videos with the trending filter of the day.


Until recently, when she posted the video of herself smoking a cigarette in Times Square to show us that we’re all pretty stupid and that she was an actress all along.

The only reason I knew about this girl is because her videos somehow ended up in my fiancée’s algorithm and she started following her life. And the only reason I even paid attention to this/the only reason I’m writing this blog is because my parents grew up in Amish country in Indiana. Whenever we go back to their hometown, we meet Amish people. So I’m always interested in anything Amish related. There was actually one Christmas when my family was back in Indiana, where my parents grew up, and my dad forced us to visit one of his Amish friends from high school. Me and my brothers were all just kids. So of course we were like, “Screw it.”

We said, “Dad, that sounds really weird, do we have to do that?”

He said, “Yes.”

Then we said, “We can’t just barge in. Does he even know we’re coming?”

My father said, “Well, I can’t call ahead.”

That was a pretty fair point. So our family drove up to their Amish house in a minivan. We just walked in the front door. I think the father’s name was Menno. Menno gathered his whole family in the living room. Everyone had their own rocking chair. Suddenly there was a family of about 15 Amish staring at us like we were aliens. The mother brought us a bunch of chocolates. They were good chocolates, but I remember it was kind of hard to enjoy them because the smell of manure in the house was so strong. Then the father walked around the room and introduced us all. One of his daughters was mentally disabled, and I’ll never forget him saying very clearly, “This is my retarded daughter. _(I forget her real name, but as a 12-year-old I almost spit out my chocolate covered pretzel when he said that). It was quite an experience. Very nice family. We really should stop by and visit them again sometime.

So if I see anything Amish related, I usually check it out. Anyway, shout out to the fake Amish girl who fooled 300,000 people because they were stupid enough to immediately believe that some random actress in a costume was actually Amish. I wish I had thought of that.

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