The Gothenburg Water Utilization Learning Center hosts a field day on soil health

The Gothenburg Water Utilization Learning Center hosts a field day on soil health

NORTH PLATTE, Nebraska (KNOP) – The growing season has begun and farmers are looking for new strategies to improve soil health and increase profitability.

In response, Bayer’s ForGround hosted a soil health field day at the Gothenburg Learning Center on Thursday, where farmers received tips from university and industry experts.

The event also included an extensive field visit, providing farmers with a unique opportunity for hands-on learning and networking.

ForGround by Bayer agronomist Tyler Williams said he has learned that farmers are interested in implementing effective soil management practices on their farms.

“Almost every farmer I know is at least concerned with soil health and trying to figure out how it fits into their operation,” Williams said. “It’s up to us to provide that knowledge, and the industry has come together to provide that information.”

For farmers, soil health is a critical factor in increasing their crop yields and profitability.

“The healthier the soil, the higher its quality, which often leads to better production of marketable crops and higher profitability,” said Williams. “Many factors play a role in this, for example, improved soil structure helps to retain more moisture and water.”

Experts also support farmers with their cultivation strategy.

“One of the most common questions I get from farmers is how to plant the cover crop before harvest time comes and winter sets in,” Williams said. “Intercropping can help, but it’s quite demanding and tricky, so we look at water and other tillage scenarios to meet the needs of the farm.”

Bayer’s ForGround hosts seasonal events like this one to provide valuable insights and meet the growing needs of farmers.

“Farmers tend to be very curious. The further west we go in Nebraska, the more challenging it becomes. The weather is unpredictable and affects the performance of crops,” Williams said. “Especially how to grow them and how to get to events like this to get answers to those questions.”

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