“Policy measures to adapt to climate change can become a driver of development.”

“Policy measures to adapt to climate change can become a driver of development.”

Joseluis Samaniego of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) said he had compiled examples of reforms available to countries in the region for a low-carbon economy to reduce the negative impacts of climate change and to align with the Paris Agreement.

Joseluis Samaniego, of ECLAC, during his intervention at Euroclima+ 2018 in Buenos Aires. Photo: Damián Profeta. License CC BY 2.0.
Joseluis Samaniego, from CEPAL, during his intervention at Euroclima+ 2018 in Buenos Aires. Photo: Damián Profeta. License CC BY 2.0

Entrevistado in Buenos Aires, the Director of the Department of Social Education and Humanitarian Aid at CEPAL, analyzed public policies in the areas of urban mobility, energy and consumption.

Samaniego said, “I have set up public carbon transport systems in the Americas and Latin America,” and said that in the region, “only four countries are implementing green tax reforms: Chile, Mexico, Colombia and Argentina, with carbon impacts.” However, Asimismo, who has pushed for the creation of an “IPCC for transportation,” referring to the intergovernmental panel of experts on climate change, is exclusively focused on mobility and transportation.

Joseluis Samaniego was one of the keynote speakers at the meeting Euroclima+Réunion is bringing together Latin American officials, European Union authorities and representatives of international cooperation agencies to discuss political finance against climate change in the region.

Video: ECLAC’s work on climate change in 30 seconds


Indicators for adaptation to climate change

“We already know that there are indicators of adaptation to climate change and we must address important benchmarks to reduce vulnerability since a part of the population is being pointed out,” Samaniego reflected, until he noted that these cases could be served by the “regional school” in other countries of the country “can adopt their adaptation indices together with them, for example, with the intention that adaptation can be represented in the workplace, due to material damage and efforts for the internal gross product.”

“As in other eras in which public policies led to Desarollo engines – and I am their son -, today the policies for adaptation to climate change have also exhausted the potential for Desarollo engines in Latin America,” says the ECLAC directive.

Climate protection policy

Joseluis Samaniego was convinced that some policies to mitigate climate change have been adopted in the region, since “the change in the form that values ​​the reversal in the public sector is with a high social carbon price or a change in the intended tasks”.

“It is necessary not to create perverse incentives, but to subsidise activities that destroy the middle ambience.”

“I also believe that the minimum operating standards can apply to public services. “The Banca del Desarrollo can get an important paper out of this matter and it is possible to obtain general prices for references and incentives before the sector is private,” he says.

At the same time, the economist noted that “it is also necessary to renounce bad incentives, since the subsidies for activities destroy the middle atmosphere and focus a lot of attention on the distribution effect, because the recursions that can be obtained from these activities are lost.” regresar a los segmentos de la poblacion a proteger”.

Promoter of consumption and promoter of production

For Samaniego: “There is a great opportunity to develop in the middle, as the country needs to simultaneously commission consumer customers with production customers.”

“The Paris office is committed to managing the economy in an appropriate environment.”

“Today in the region there is a problem of urban congestion, contamination and a large consumer that assumes that private mobility is reliable.” Therefore, we have a great opportunity to improve public mobility. This is part of protecting the consumer, although there are vehicles that can meet the demand of a large mobility customer because they are produced in the region and are general employees, oriented to the PIB and spread across different areas, while the Mandar has this demand hacia “La Importación de Vehículos Producidos en el Extranjero”, example.

“Besides these examples, there are others in agriculture, in mobility, in electrification with renewable energies, in combining a large consumer customer with a large production customer and confirming the best way in which the space is available because it…” Paris Agreement “We are excited to be able to control the economy under the assumption of an ambient temperature that has been neglected over time,” concludes Samaniego.

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