Far East Hospitality receives GSTC certification for hotels in Singapore

Far East Hospitality receives GSTC certification for hotels in Singapore

Arthur Kiong, CEO of Far East Hospitality, receives the GSTC certificate from Ms. Hooi Kim Yeap, Certification Manager of Control Union Singapore.
Arthur Kiong, CEO of Far East Hospitality, receives the GSTC certificate from Ms. Hooi Kim Yeap, Certification Manager of Control Union Singapore. Photo credit: Far East Hospitality

Far East Hospitality has announced that all 16 of its local hotels have achieved Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) certification, a globally recognized benchmark in sustainability, making Far East Hospitality the hotel group with the largest number of GSTC-certified properties in Singapore.

Arthur Kiong, CEO of Far East Hospitality, said: “GSTC certification is a significant milestone for our company. It underlines our commitment to sustainability and demonstrates to our guests and customers that we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of environmental stewardship and positive social impact.”

Far East Hospitality attributes its success – which even exceeds the 2025 target set by the Singapore Hotel Association (SHA) and the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) – to its aggressive pursuit of sustainability initiatives, which include annually tracking and monitoring data on energy consumption, water, waste and carbon dioxide emissions.

The organization has also created the Far More Sustainable framework, which includes initiatives to raise awareness of sustainability across all areas of the business, such as encouraging guests to reuse towels and linens, implementing a carbon offset platform, eliminating single-use plastic water bottles and switching to large dispensers of toiletries.

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