Summary of Kaos Episode 3: The Gods Want Vengeance

Summary of Kaos Episode 3: The Gods Want Vengeance

A car screeches to a stop at a gas station and its driver runs inside to use the toilet on top of the Chaos Episode 3.

Tisi (Donna Banya), Alecto (Cathy Tyson), and Meg (Natalie Klamar) – collectively known as The Furies – follow the driver. Prometheus (Stephan Dillane) explains off-screen that The Furies are as old as the gods. They roam the earth, dispensing justice where they believe it is being neglected. This task is made easier by the fact that only those pursuing them can see them. When The Furies find the man, Terry (Richard Sutton), he pulls out a gun and points it at them. The Furies tell Terry he knows how to get rid of them, so he shoots himself. The Furies cross Terry off their list and then drive to their next target.

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