Caribbean state takes steps to remove deceased queen from official documents

Caribbean state takes steps to remove deceased queen from official documents

In another move, a Caribbean state has begun removing Queen Elizabeth II from official documents.

The redesign of the coat of arms of Trinidad and Tobago could lead to the deposition of the late queen as part of plans to abolish this symbol of colonialism.

The Caribbean state has already announced that it wants to have an image of the three ships used by Christopher Columbus removed.

Many islanders believe that explorers’ expeditions to the area paved the way for centuries of European colonial rule and slavery in the region.

Queen Elizabeth and King CharlesA Caribbean state wants to remove Queen Elizabeth from official documents – a new blowGetty

The plan is to replace the ships Pinta, Niña and Santa María with the steelpan, the famous percussion instrument that originates from the Caribbean state.

The government has asked residents of the twin islands whether they support the removal of statues, signs and monuments with colonial references.

At a meeting on Wednesday, people of African, European and indigenous descent took turns to take the microphone to express their opinions.

Some felt that government needed to go beyond Columbus.

Keith Rowley

Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Keith Rowley, pictured in 2021


Eric Lewis, a First Peoples member, said: “What the hell is the Queen still doing on the coat of arms? Please let’s lay her to rest.”

Her late Majesty is depicted on the Nation’s Coat of Arms above the shield.

A forward-facing golden helmet represents Queen Elizabeth II, the ruler of the colony at the time of its design.

Trinidad and Tobago was first colonized by the Spanish, who ruled it for almost 300 years before ceding it to the British.

Queen Elizabeth

The redesign of the coat of arms of Trinidad and Tobago could lead to the removal of the late Queen Elizabeth


Queen Elizabeth II.

Queen Elizabeth II was extremely passionate about the Commonwealth


The islands were then under British rule for over 160 years until they gained independence in 1962.

The colonial influence is noticeable everywhere in the streets and squares.

A statue of Columbus dominates a square of the same name in the capital, Port of Spain.

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