OSCE participates in discussions with international partners on urgent water management issues during Stockholm World Water Week

OSCE participates in discussions with international partners on urgent water management issues during Stockholm World Water Week

In the face of worsening climate change, increasing water scarcity and the growing unpredictability of global water supplies, this year’s World Water Week conference in Stockholm brought together international actors, including OSCE representatives, to identify and create frameworks for equitable and sustainable water management.

The OSCE, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Water Witness International, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the World Bank co-hosted the “Institutions for Water, Peace and Cooperation” seminar series at this year’s Stockholm World Water Week. The event brought together world leaders, policymakers and experts to discuss the critical role of water in promoting peace and international cooperation.

Ambassador Bakyt Dzhusupov, OSCE Coordinator of Economic and Environmental Activities, opened the series by emphasizing the multifaceted role of institutions in water diplomacy.

“Institutions provide an important framework to address the sensitive aspects of water diplomacy and cross-border water cooperation. They serve as platforms for dialogue and in many cases help build trust within and beyond borders. The OSCE is helping to support such institutions in promoting cross-border water cooperation,” said Ambassador Dzhusupov.

The seminar series examined in depth the importance of institutional frameworks for responding to and coordinating peace efforts.

The series included three focused sessions:

  • Session 1: Grassroots institutions and local cooperation emphasized the crucial role of grassroots organizations in promoting local water cooperation. Shohida Tulievaa member of the OSCE-SIWI-CAREC Women in Water Network in Central Asia and Afghanistan, provided valuable insights on the importance of community-based initiatives.
  • Session 2: Regional Basin Organisations and Challenges examined the approaches and challenges of regional basin organizations, including the Dniester River Basin Commission. Representatives from Ukraine and Moldova, Mr Vitalii ZhukHead of the Department of Protection and Reproduction of Water Resources and Marine Ecosystems of the Department of Balanced Management of Natural Resources Use of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine and Ms Ana JeleapovHead of the Working Group on River Basin Planning and Management at the Dniester River Basin Commission, reported on successful examples of cross-border water cooperation and the lessons learned over years of joint work.
  • Session 3: Global institutions and frameworks for water and peace focused on global institutions that coordinate water and peace initiatives, including the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS). Mr Askhat OrazbayChairman of IFAS, stressed the crucial role of these institutions in addressing water-related challenges at the global level. “The UN, together with its institutions and agencies, plays a crucial role in providing technical assistance and support to IFAS, in improving environmental conditions in Central Asia and in improving the lives of those affected by the Aral Sea tragedy,” said Mr. Orazbay.

The seminar series concluded with a call to action, urging all stakeholders to prioritize water management at both the international and national levels. The message was clear: water is a critical resource that must be managed together to prevent conflict and promote peace.

Stockholm World Water Week remains a leading platform for addressing global water issues, bringing together experts and decision-makers to address one of the most pressing challenges of our time.

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