Penalties, Prizes and Paranoia – Big Brother Network

Penalties, Prizes and Paranoia – Big Brother Network

Penalties, Prizes and Paranoia – Big Brother Network

This week, the 26 Big Brother houseguests picked up some prizes and punishments, but the other popular P-word prevailed. I’m talking about paranoia, of course.

Not only did the AI ​​instigator sprinkle some paranoia here and there, but Angela also let her mind wander and convinced herself that Tucker was just messing with her the whole time. But before we get too far out on a limb, let’s reinforce that one more time.

The episode starts right after the nomination ceremony. T’Kor lets us know that she doesn’t care if Makensy or Cam go home. She says Tucker is just a puppet. And Tucker told her he could go upstairs. He said he didn’t want to do it, but he’s offered himself to others, so he feels like he should offer himself to her.

But Tucker isn’t really thrilled because T’Kor had other options, so he’s not sure why she chose him. And she says in the diary room that she wants him not to use the Veto if he wins. He lets us know that he would definitely use it for himself.

It’s time to select players for the Veto Contest. T’Kor, Makensy, Cam and Tucker are joined by Joseph via Cam’s selection as a houseguest and Angela. And then it’s straight to the Veto Contest.

In this competition, houseguests must use a slingshot to shoot down an army of robots. Each robot has a point value. The player with the lowest score in each round is eliminated. And as players are eliminated, they get to choose a prize or a punishment. And we know how it works: If you’re eliminated second or later, you get to choose a new prize or steal an existing one.

Here are the results of the veto competition:

Round 1

  • T’Kor – 38 points
  • Makensy – 39 points
  • Joseph – 0
  • Angela – 18
  • Tuckers – 13
  • Cams – 33

Joseph is eliminated. And he decides to use the right of veto.

Round 2

  • T’Kor – 7
  • Makensy – 44
  • Angela – 0
  • Tuckers – 22
  • Cams – 3

Angela is eliminated. She chooses solitary confinement as punishment and swaps it with Joseph.

Round 3

  • Tuckers – 43
  • Cam -47
  • T’Kor – 24
  • Makensy – 0

Makensy is out. She decides to go to Hawaii and sticks to it.

Round 4

  • Cam- 0
  • T’Kor – 0
  • Tuckers – 11

T’Kor and Cam have to compete in a shoot-off. Cam wins the shoot-off. T’Kor is eliminated and chooses a punishment that forces her to clean the yard for 12 hours. She trades Angela for the veto.

  • Round 5
  • Tuckers – 0
  • Cams – 12

Cam wins the contest. Tucker chooses $5,000. He trades it with T’Kor because he knows Cam will veto it anyway. He wants her to get the money and not be penalized for it.

Cam gets the final punishment. This punishment is AI Assist and he has to answer questions – day and night – when asked. Cam trades Tucker for the veto power. So Cam has won the veto power.

T’Kor isn’t thrilled about having to name a replacement. And since she’s in an alliance or working with everyone except Leah, she’d be her only option. But Quinn isn’t a fan of that plan.

AI instigator alert! This time it’s Rubina. Then Angela shows up. And Tucker just makes her talk nonsense about twerking… The houseguests really don’t know what to make of this and just assume Angela is sending these messages.

It’s time for Angela’s punishment. She has to clean up toxic waste in the backyard. OK, it’s not really toxic waste. It’s actually just little green balls, but she has to use a grabber to pick each one up. And there are A LOT of them. And every now and then she has to use a “Decontamination chamber and are doused with mucus and then rinsed with water.

As punishment, Joseph has to be locked in the “Have-Nots” room with the AI ​​Matt, who talks nonstop in an annoying endless loop.

AI instigator alert! This time it’s AI Tucker and he calls out Chelsie, Quinn and T’Kor. And Angela’s reaction this time really makes everyone think it’s her. And Tucker tells Angela that people think it’s her. She says that’s stupid and that she would say better things. He also tells her that he trusts her and is there for her, despite everything that is going on between him and Rubina. But she comes to the conclusion that he is lying to her. So she panics and tells us, “I have to do the unthinkable. I will do everything I can to get Tucker out.”

Angela goes to Makensy, Quinn and Leah and says she wants Tucker out. She says they need to get him out this week. Quinn promises Angela that this information won’t leave the room and immediately runs off to tell T’Kor and Kimo the news. Just as T’Kor was trying to figure out who to put on the lock. He really wants to get rid of Leah so this is his way of getting Angela up instead.

T’Kor tells Quinn to tell Tucker. And so Quinn tells him what Angela said. And Tucker feels betrayed. So he has to confront Angela. And it goes pretty much as you would expect.

Despite everything, Tucker still tries to keep Angela off the block. He tells T’Kor he would rather see Leah on stage than Angela. But T’Kor is still not sure what to do.

So let’s get to the veto ceremony and find out.

Cam, of course, uses his veto power for himself. And T’Kor names Angela as a replacement candidate. Tucker is not happy. He thought the only thing T’Kor could have done for him this week was to put Leah on the hit list.

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