Take off your headphones for this Pokémon Plane safety video

Take off your headphones for this Pokémon Plane safety video

I get on planes regularly these days; before I met my Austrian girlfriend at a concert 18 months ago, I hadn’t been on a plane for years, but now I seem to spend more time at Manchester Airport than in my house. I’ve been a bit remiss about listening to the security announcements as I’ve heard them so many times before, so when I get the announcement to take off my headphones, I’m usually immersed in Pokémon Gold and waiting for the flight to take off. Japanese airline ANA Air has just released a new safety announcement, but it would definitely draw my attention away from Johto, as Pokémon are the stars of the show.

ANA and Pokémon are no strangers to each other. Pokémon is popular all over the world, but in Japan it will always reign supreme. So much so that ANA has even printed Pokémon on the sides of its planes over the years. While this video is very informative, it helps make the safety procedures a little more interesting and is sure to bring a smile to the faces of children both big and small when watching it.

ANA Air's Pokémon planeANA Air's Pokémon plane
Photo credit: ANA Air/The Pokémon Company

Watch Mr. Mime demonstrate how to put on an oxygen mask, Pikachu and Pichu cheer at the sight of a life jacket, Machoke put on a seatbelt and also pull people to safety when the emergency slide is down, and Jigglypuff get annoyed at a man who won’t stop vaping in the nearly 5-minute safety video we discovered on Eurogamer. I especially liked Farfetch’s putting his leek in the overhead bin and Psyduck asking a flight attendant for help because he’s (surprise surprise) confused.

If you want to see the Pokémon Plane safety video on location in the awesome Pikachu or Eevee jets, you’ll need to book a flight with ANA Air to Japan, the US, Australia, Asia, and London. Unfortunately, they don’t fly to Austria, so I’ll have to make do with watching the YouTube video below over and over again.

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