Girl donates money from lemonade stand to Kent County Animal Shelter

Girl donates money from lemonade stand to Kent County Animal Shelter

Well, that’s the good news I needed to hear now! It’s so great to remember, although sometimes everything seems terrible, there is still so much love and kindness out there in the world.

The Kent County Animal Shelter does so much for our community and recently received a very nice gift.

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A lemonade stand is a way for kids to earn a few bucks each summer. Maybe they’ll save up for a new toy or a cool outfit for back to school. One little girl from West Michigan had something different in mind for her lemonade stand money.

The Kent County Animal Shelter released a letter they received from a little girl named Abby. Abby didn’t say how old she is, but I’m guessing she’s about seven or eight.

Abby writes that she set up a lemonade stand over the summer and made a little over $80. Her parents agreed to match the amount, and the family donated about $160 to the Kent County Animal Shelter.

How wonderful!

Abby ends her letter with the hope that the shelter may be able to use some of the money to buy toys for the cats, dogs, and other animals in its care.

The Kent County Animal Shelter writes about Abby’s message,

We received a special donation today. This wonderful little girl was selling lemonade to raise money for the shelter. Thank you to Abby and her family for this gift!

Well done, Abby and family!

If you would like to support the Kent County Animal Shelter, you can donate here.

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