School enrollment figures close to previous year’s level

School enrollment figures close to previous year’s level

The Philomath School District is not seeing any major surprises in enrollment numbers as classes prepare to begin next week.

School Superintendent Susan Halliday took a preliminary look at the numbers as student registration results came in last week. As of Tuesday’s update, the district has 21 fewer students so far than it will have on Sept. 21, 2023.

Overall, this week’s numbers show a total enrollment in the district of 1,653.

“There may be more new students than we know about who are not in the system,” Halliday said during an Aug. 22 Philomath School Board meeting. “We’re kind of waiting for those who either come forward and register because they were on vacation, and also those who have moved elsewhere” and have not yet asked to have their records transferred to their new school.

Halliday said she was told during registration week that about two-thirds of Philomath Elementary families attended the event, meaning a third of those students may not yet be enrolled.

“Now that registration is complete, the middle school, elementary school and Clemens will begin calling families who did not show up to register with us last year to ask them, ‘Are you coming back?'” Halliday said.

As of Tuesday, the district was able to report the following enrollment numbers:

  • Blodgett Elementary School had 31 students enrolled—four in kindergarten, five in first grade, six in second grade, six in third grade and 10 in fourth grade. This compares to 35 students at the school in September 2023.
  • Clemens Primary School had 168 pupils, of which 75 were in kindergarten and 93 in first grade. This total is down from September last year (173).
  • Total enrollment at Philomath Elementary this week was 366 — 84 in second grade, 97 in third grade, 97 in fourth grade and 88 in fifth grade. Last year in September, PES’s enrollment was 363.
  • Enrollment at Philomath Middle School this week was 355, including 116 in sixth grade, 122 in seventh grade and 117 in eighth grade. That compares to 356 in September 2023.
  • The student population at Philomath High School is 446, including 108 freshmen, 110 sophomores, 117 third-year students, and 111 fourth-year students. As of September 2023, 453 students were enrolled in the high school.
  • Philomath Academy’s enrollment this week was 77, including eight freshmen, 13 sophomores, 23 third-year students, 24 fourth-year students and nine in grades K-8. Last year in September, the academy had 71 students enrolled.
  • Kings Valley Charter School’s enrollment this week was 210, with 14 to 20 in grades K-5, 17 to 20 in grades 6-8 and 48 in high school – 13 freshmen, 15 sophomores, 12 third-year students and eight fourth-year students.

When the superintendent spoke to board members about enrollment last week, he briefly mentioned that there are two other school programs in town that educate kindergarten students – Philomath Montessori and Roots Primary School. The latter, located at The Refuge, is in its fourth year of preschool and is also offering kindergarten for the first time.

In addition to the 1,653 students enrolled, there are three more who are classified as “transition students” – students with disabilities after high school who receive additional instruction to help them make the transition from school to work or training programs.

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