Paradise Valley’s iconic 77-foot church tower to be preserved

Paradise Valley’s iconic 77-foot church tower to be preserved

Crews are working to save a unique piece of architectural history. The Ascension Lutheran Church near 68th Street and Indian Bend Road is slated for demolition, but efforts are underway to save the historic, 77-foot-tall tower – a work of art that means a lot to the community.

“We were contacted by Eric Peterson from Ian, who told us the church was going to be demolished, so he asked us to work with our manufacturing company, the Guild, to figure out how to save it, what it would cost, and to help raise money to do it,” said John Andersen, owner of 180 Degrees Design + Build.

The tower was designed by William Wesley Peters, son-in-law of the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright.

The tower is as old as the church and has stood proudly on top since 1961.

“It’s really bittersweet… my brother got married here, among other things, so I have a deep connection to it. It was designed by Talas and West Peters was the lead architect. I’m very close to the Frank Lloyd Wright group and it’s an architectural legacy that I really hate to see destroyed,” said Scott Jarson, a Paradise Valley resident.

The 5.4-ton piece will be dismantled in three parts, but it will not go far because a group of concerned residents have come together and discovered that the spire could be saved and relocated.

“…we are going to preserve the tower and the city of Paradise Valley is accepting the tower, so we are very happy about that,” said Katherine Kauffman, chair of the Paradise Valley Historical Advisory Committee.

Even on a dreary day, it is a joy to know that a part of the architectural heritage will live on as a new gift to the town of Paradise Valley.

Map of the area

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