Lawrence: Far-right unrest in Britain points to devastating global consequences if Trump wins

Lawrence: Far-right unrest in Britain points to devastating global consequences if Trump wins

There are so many problems in the United States that I sometimes forget to look across the pond. And even though I just did this—and it’s pretty disturbing what’s going on there—there’s an amazing wave of anti-immigrant hatred across Europe right now. While I’m used to France burning everything down in protest of policies, this is different. Citizens of the UK and other countries are causing mass riots and chaos, attacking immigrants, asylum seekers, and other non-white individuals. This anger seems to be fueled by scarcity. There’s a mentality of economic decline in the EU: jobs are scarce, health care and other social services are overwhelmed, and so we’re unfortunately seeing the far right make immigrants an easy target. And now social media is also playing a big role in spreading misinformation and fueling racism, as in the attacks on a hotel in Rotherham, England, housing asylum seekers earlier this month. The situation is so bad that the EU has officially asked Elon Musk to censor Donald Trump during a scheduled conversation between the two running on Platform X. The EU cannot even stomach the divisive rhetoric of a convicted criminal 5000 miles away, between white supremacists and far-right extremists rioting in the streets, setting cars on fire and launching vile attacks online. It is obvious that the most vulnerable in the UK are not doing well, and for them and other marginalized people around the world, things will only get worse if Donald Trump returns to the White House. That is why we must vote blue. The US presidential election may be taking place in these 50 states and several territories, but its profound impact is being felt across the border. Experts predict that Europe’s economy would take a significant hit if The Dawn were to return to office during his final term. Trade tensions between the US and EU flared when Trump imposed tariffs on European steel and aluminum, affecting auto imports, after which the EU hit back with tariffs on US goods, according to a Goldman Sachs analyst. Well, Trump has promised to impose a flat 10% tariff on all US imports, including from Europe, which would likely lead to a sharp increase in trade uncertainty, as was the case in 2018 and 2019. That’s a costly problem for Europe that would likely exacerbate the attacks on immigrants currently under attack. Trump is also expected to drastically or even completely cut US aid to Ukraine. The US is currently one of Ukraine’s top donors, and Congress has given the country at least $70 billion in weapons alone since the war began. So how do you think cutting funding to Ukraine for its war against Russia or to Ukrainian asylum seekers in the EU would work? Did I also mention that Trump says he will not help NATO countries that do not meet the required 2% defense spending? So those EU countries will have to divert their funds to military spending or go without US contributions. That also sounds like it will be quite costly beyond the economic aspects though. We must also remember that it is scary to have yet another far-right leader in the world as they seem to want to break up their respective state for the supposed benefit of white Susette glory. Just look at Viktor Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary, or Italy’s Maloney, and so on, the far right is on the rise. A second Trump administration brings significant geopolitical damage, the effects of which will be felt by those who are most vulnerable, namely immigrants. So as November comes, it’s important that we remember that our voice isn’t just about our government. It will affect far more than just us. It will have an impact around the world.

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