Colorado man sentenced to 143 years in prison for shooting fast-food worker who refused to accept drugs as payment – Essence

Colorado man sentenced to 143 years in prison for shooting fast-food worker who refused to accept drugs as payment – Essence

Colorado man sentenced to 143 years in prison for shooting fast-food worker who refused to accept drugs as payment

Burger King promises customers they can order “their way.” However, one customer took that message to the extreme when he demanded that an employee accept drugs as payment and when the employee refused, he pointed a gun at the employee, the Associated Press reports.

For this and other crimes committed by Eugene Robertson that night, prosecutors announced a whopping 143-year prison sentence. The crime spree began on October 17, 2022, in Aurora, a suburb of Denver, Colorado.

Robinson pointed the gun at the Burger King drive-thru employee without pulling the trigger, then walked to a 7-Eleven across the street, where he pointed the gun at a store employee. When he noticed there was a security camera that may have been recording his actions, he shot the image and left. In the parking lot, he encountered two people and shot them as well.

According to prosecutors, Robinson continued his bizarre shooting spree later that night. A friend of Robinson’s called police and said he started shooting when she refused to open the door to her apartment, where she was with several people.

When police arrived, they found Robinson near the apartment complex where he lived. Robinson tried to hide in the bushes but was arrested by police.

In April, a jury found Robertson guilty on 17 counts, including eight counts of attempted murder. The sentences were run consecutively rather than concurrently, resulting in a lengthy prison sentence. Amazingly, Robertson could have faced more than 400 years in prison when he was sentenced on August 9.

Eric Ross, a spokesman for 18th District Attorney John Kellner, told AP: “We believe this 143-year sentence is fair for the numerous victims he terrified that night. The jury recognized the seriousness of the crimes this defendant committed. We believe the judge imposed an appropriate sentence.”

However, as The Sentinel Colorado reported, a witness at the 7-Eleven said there was “something wrong” with Robertson, who was “talking about God” and carrying a Bible with a purple cover.

According to the same witness, a gunfight occurred between Robertson and them in the parking lot after they had argued in the store.

This is not Robertson’s first time in trouble with the law. Upon his arrest, police discovered he had an outstanding warrant in connection with a March 2021 case. In that case, he was allegedly involved in a car crash followed by a shooting, fled the scene, lost or removed his pants before flagging down a police officer, who then arrested him on suspicion of illegal possession of a firearm, according to The Sentinel Colorado.

Robertson had previously served an 84-month prison sentence for trafficking crack cocaine, which prohibits him from owning a firearm.

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