Pet expert explains what to do if your dog has been stung by an Asian hornet

Pet expert explains what to do if your dog has been stung by an Asian hornet

The UK’s chief plant protection officer has urged the public to be vigilant against Asian hornets after conservation groups warned of a possible increase in the harmful invasive, non-native species. The non-native wasp species threaten honey bees and key pollinators and are at risk of increasing in numbers in mid-summer.

A record number of sightings of the insect were recorded last year. As the weather gets warmer and we spend more time outdoors with our furry friends, it’s important to protect them from anything that could harm them, including the Asian hornet.

The expert team at gives you the best tips on what to do if your dog has been stung by a wasp or bee.

What are the signs that my dog ​​has been stung by a hornet?

Of course, we don’t want our pets to get hurt, so it’s important to stay alert and keep an eye out for wasps when out walking this summer. If you’re worried they’ve been stung, there are some telltale signs to look out for, including:

  • Complaining

  • Try to bite the affected area

  • Scratching in the face when stung in the mouth

  • Hold the paw up if the sting occurred at this point

  • Swelling at the bite site

What should you do if your dog has been stung?

Stay calm

If you think your dog has been stung, the first thing you need to do is stay calm. Although it can be upsetting when it happens, your dog may sense your panic and become even more agitated than he already is. Not only that, but if your dog is allergic to wasp stings, you may need to act quickly. And that can only be done with a clear head, so it’s important to stay as relaxed as possible.

Remove the sting

Once you have found the spot where your four-legged friend was stung, you will need to remove the bite. To do this, you should take a credit card and try to scratch the bite away from the spot where the venom is. Do not try to pull or push the bite out of your dog. If you do this, you risk releasing more venom from the bite into your dog’s body, which can cause further irritation to the affected area.

Try to relieve the swelling

Once you’ve removed the sting, the next thing you should do is try to relieve the pain and swelling in the affected area. To do this, take an ice pack, wrap it in a clean towel, and hold it against the swelling.

You can also neutralize the poison in the wound by making a paste of water and baking soda and applying it to the area where your dog was stung for about 15 minutes. Remember to cover the wound with a bandage to prevent your curious pup from licking the mixture.

Keep an eye on your dog

Finally, it is important to keep a close eye on your dog after a wasp sting so you can watch for signs of an allergic reaction such as shortness of breath, vomiting or weakness.

When do I need to go to the vet?

If your dog has been stung, the wound can usually be treated with home remedies and a visit to the vet is not necessary. However, if your dog has been stung in the mouth, throat or tongue area, you should always consult a specialist. This is because stings of this type can be particularly dangerous for your furry friend as they can block the airways. You should also consult your vet if your dog has been stung multiple times or if there are signs of an allergic reaction.

Can I give my dog ​​an antihistamine?

There is a lot of debate about whether it is OK to give your dog an antihistamine. Some sources online state that our dogs can take human tablets, but always check with your vet first before doing so. Some antihistamines that are safe for humans can contain ingredients that are toxic to dogs and can cause them to become extremely ill. Asking your vet for advice will also help you know which brands are safe and what dosage is right for your dog’s size.

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