This is how the local children spend their last days of summer – InForum

This is how the local children spend their last days of summer – InForum

FARGO – School has started again for thousands in the region, but some are still taking advantage of the last of the summer vacation.

From troll hunting in Detroit Lakes to having fun on Thunder Road, the Bergquist family has had a lot of fun on their summer vacation, and they’re not done yet.

“We went to the library, and where are we now? In the park,” said Rachel Berquist.

“Why did you want to come to the park today?” asks WDAY reporter Sara Bien-Aime.

“Because I had a picnic here,” said Sawyer Berquist.

For Sawyer, lunch at school will follow lunch at the park on Wednesday, August 28. He says he is looking forward to starting kindergarten in Fargo.

For the Sarics, there are still a few days of summer vacation left. They live across the river in Pelican Rapids, Minnesota, and school starts after Labor Day, and there are only a few nervous breakdowns.

“I’m going into seventh grade, which is high school, and I’m going to… and I don’t know if I’m in the right place,” Ian Saric said.

He says he and his brother will have a hard time saying goodbye to summer, even with back-to-school shopping.

“School supplies shopping is kind of cool,” Ian said.

However, he says he and his brother Izi will enjoy every minute of summer freedom they have left.

“This weekend we’re going to the cities,” said Izi.

A fitting end to a summer full of family reunions and lake visits. All the children say they are looking forward to meeting new and old friends.

Some are already thinking about the last day of school.

“In the last week of school we do this athletics thing where it’s running, jumping and throwing, I really like that,” said Ian.

Anne Sara Bien-Aime

My name is Anne Sara, better known as Sara.
I was born an only child in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and moved to the United States at age 2.
I grew up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
After completing my bachelor’s degree at Albright College, I moved to Florida to continue my studies.
WDAY is the reason I moved to North Dakota.

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