Recap of Season 2, Episode 12 of “Real Housewives of Dubai”

Recap of Season 2, Episode 12 of “Real Housewives of Dubai”

Welcome back to our Real Housewives of Dubai Recap of Season 2, Episode 12, where the drama quickly picks up again. In this week’s episode, “Serving the Tee,” the ladies laugh and (verbally) attack each other during an overnight golf outing. The drama also plays out at a skincare product launch party, which leaves Lesa totally depressed. As a result, Lesa, Brooks, and Taleen helped make Real Housewives of Dubai Season 2, Episode 12 a messy ending.

Stanbury’s parents arrive in Dubai as Lesa finally launches her skincare line

Stanbury is excited to show her finished villa to her parents, who are coming to visit. They are in Dubai to celebrate the bar mitzvahs of their sons Zack and Aaron. That event wasn’t filmed, but Sergio Carrallo jokes that it was so beautiful he almost cried. Again.

Stanbury tells her mother about her hypnosis session. The fact that she was involuntarily at boarding school is a big trigger. Her mother waves her off, noting that boarding schools were something rich people did back then. Stanbury knows she will never be able to make her mother understand, so she leaves it at that.

Across town, Lesa is just as excited about launching her new skincare line under the Mina Roe umbrella. She’s invited the ladies to a spa for a day of pampering and gifts.

Taleen leads a yoga class for the ladies at Lesa’s rented spa. Plus, I could watch Chanel workout for days. God bless her.

The ladies then begin their spa treatments. While they wait for a room to become available, Sara recaps what we learned last week. Her maid is disgusting. Her young son is still traumatized after learning what that troll did with his pictures.

Sara is open with her son, so he knows the details of this case. Lesa, however, wishes Sara would protect her child from these facts. As a mother who is also stuck in a shitty life trench, I’m on Lesa’s side here. But I digress, because this is harsh.

Brooks sneaks into Stanbury and Taleen’s exam room while Lesa shows up in Chanel’s room. Lesa asks Chanel how she is. She then jokes with her friend and tells Chanel that she got way too close to Stanbury.

And the drama begins.

Lesa finally admits her jealousy, while Brooks is annoyed about Lesa’s chosen starting location

Recap of Season 2, Episode 12 of “Real Housewives of Dubai”
Photo credit: Yasmin Hussain/Bravo

Lesa asks Chanel, “Haven’t you learned your lesson? Isn’t she the reason we’re having problems?” Chanel giggles and reveals that she loves Stanbury and Lesa. But she wants Lesa to relax because Chanel is “a damn kind Slut.”

Shockingly, Lesa finally admits that Chanel’s friendship with Stanbury makes her jealous. Looking like an early riser Hadada who has caught Dubai’s fattest worms, Chanel giggles: “Ohhhhh. Finally.”

In Stanbury’s room, there is speculation about the price of this opening. Lesa rented an entire spa, so this day was not cheap. They wonder why Lesa didn’t approach Brooks and ask her to host this event for free at her spa, The Glass House. Brooks is equally confused by this.

Taleen and Stanbury encourage Brooks to talk to Lesa about it. In her confessional, Brooks accuses Lesa of pretending to own the rented spa because “why else would she (Lesa)” put stickers on the floors and walls to “try to make it look like she owned the venue?”

Taleen and Stanbury encourage Brooks to talk to Lesa about it. In her confessional, Brooks accuses Lesa of pretending the rented spa is her own. In real time, Brooks softens, saying, “I wouldn’t put my friend, who has invested millions in building her independent business, in a position where she feels uncomfortable.” Her room again encourages her to talk to Lesa.

Sara has problems, as do her co-stars on the green

Recap of Season 2, Episode 12 of “Real Housewives of Dubai”
Photo credit: Yasmin Hussain/Bravo

Sara and her husband Akin are having problems. He wants to make things right, but Sara needs a solution because Akin is just sweeping things under the carpet. Sara refuses to settle, which pleases Saba, who has met her friend for dinner.

Sara is tired and Saba’s heart aches for her. She does her best to remind Sara of her worth. Sara tells Saba she feels guilty because she is in this world to help others, not to fight. “Saba the Sabotager” threatens to fly to Germany to take care of Akin herself.

Taleen and Rafi host a golf trip with an overnight stay at a 7-star hotel. *cries and types “poor.” Everyone arrives and is very happy with their accommodations. Brooks is late as she has to work at a spa she owns. Cough, cough.

Chanel puts on her best ball gown to drive one of her golf carts. On her first hole, Brooks helps Sara with her posture. Saba, a self-proclaimed pro player, doesn’t need any help. She just swings like me, and that’s not a compliment.

Chanel shocks everyone by sinking her putt and quips, “The baller is here, you bitches.” Lesa isn’t kidding. She found out that Brooks turned down all the spa treatments she was gifted at her Mina Roe start. Taleen encourages Lesa to talk to Brooks.

So she does. After the game, they all sit together and have a drink. Brooks explains why she wasn’t there. This wasn’t her spa or her staff, so using those services would be “a conflict of interest.”

Lesa apologizes and stresses that nothing was intentional. Taleen chimes in and criticizes Lesa’s branding of this venue. Chanel defends Lesa, but Lesa is already on the defensive, pointing her verbal weapons directly at Taleen.

A wild golf trip on RHODubai

Real Housewives of Dubai Season 2 Cast
Photo credit: Chris Haston/Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

The ladies start yelling at each other as Taleen is bothered by Lesa’s words. She feels like Lesa is belittling her because she doesn’t own a business. But Taleen does, she yells back. Then fingers start pointing (literally) at each other.

“You can’t go to a Mina Roe event and not expect to see Mina Roe everywhere the fuck,” Lesa screams. “I saw it in my ass crack that day,” Taleen replies. “If I could have, I would have put it higher up,” Lesa replies. Sara and Brooks call for a truce.

They re-center and retreat as only this occupation can. But their peace doesn’t last long.

At dinner with her husbands, Sara introduces a game. Whoever answers each question correctly knows their spouse best. There is a lot of laughter. But then Brooks and Chanel start talking in the background, which causes a stir among some people nearby.

Brooks notices that Lesa is listening and tells Lesa that she supports her. Lesa points out that Brooks also uses “outside services.” “The Africans come to your salon to do your wig,” Lesa explains. Brooks argues that her services are all provided in her salon and she uses the same glam squad that she has employed for years.

In her confession, Lesa calls Brooks a hater. At the table, Taleen refuses to intervene because Lesa has been calling her a bitch too many times lately. “Well, you’ve been acting like one, Taleen,” Lesa says.

The words “trashy,” “ghetto,” and “slut” are flying around as the credits roll for Real Housewives of Dubai Season 2 Episode 12.

Season 2 of Real Housewives of Dubai continues every Tuesday at 9/8c on Bravo.


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