Man falls from 9th floor of Yishun block into air backpack and is hospitalized

Man falls from 9th floor of Yishun block into air backpack and is hospitalized

Man falls from Yishun block amid screams of spectators

Warning: Some readers may find the photos and descriptions in this article graphic and provocative. Discretion is requested.

Residents of Yishun were recently shocked when a man fell from the ninth floor of a block of flats in front of their eyes.

The incident was captured in a video posted on the Facebook group “Complaint Singapore” on Tuesday (27 August).

The clip, which is over a minute long, begins with the man standing on a narrow ledge in front of a window on the top floor of the block.

Source: Zaid Khan via Complaint Singapore on Facebook

On the floor beneath him was an inflatable rescue backpack.

Man falls from Yishun block after attempting to climb to another ledge

For some reason, the man then made a rash attempt to climb onto another ledge.

Source: Zaid Khan via Complaint Singapore on Facebook

He almost managed to get one arm and one leg to the other side.

Source: Zaid Khan via Complaint Singapore on Facebook

Unfortunately, he lost his balance and fell to the screams of the spectators.

Source: Zaid Khan via Complaint Singapore on Facebook

Man falls in air cushion under Yishun block

Although the man fell into the air backpack, he appeared to have suffered a rather hard landing as the air backpack was apparently not fully inflated.

Source: Zaid Khan via Complaint Singapore on Facebook

He lay there motionless as emergency personnel rushed to the scene.

Source: Zaid Khan via Complaint Singapore on Facebook

A paramedic was seen checking his condition and trying to wake him up.

Source: Zaid Khan via Complaint Singapore on Facebook

When the man did not move, the paramedic signaled to his colleagues, who brought a stretcher.

Source: Zaid Khan via Complaint Singapore on Facebook

The clip ended as emergency personnel prepared to put him on the stretcher and take him to the hospital.

Source: Zaid Khan via Complaint Singapore on Facebook

Man fell into air cushion as it was being inflated: SCDF

In response to inquiries from MS NewsThe Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said it received a call for help at around 10:35am on Tuesday (27 August).

The location was Block 624, Yishun Ring Road.

Source: Google Maps

When the SCDF arrived, a person was standing on a ledge on the ninth floor.

While the air tank was being inflated, the person fell on it.

He was taken to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, SCDF added. Further details on his condition were not disclosed.

Also read: Elderly man allegedly falls from Yishun HDB block and is taken to hospital

Elderly man reportedly fell from Yishun HDB block and taken to hospital

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Featured image adapted from Zaid Khan via Complaint Singapore on Facebook.

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