Idaho Gov. Brad Little allocates  million for groundwater projects as water negotiations continue • Idaho Capital Sun

Idaho Gov. Brad Little allocates $10 million for groundwater projects as water negotiations continue • Idaho Capital Sun

As farmers continue work towards long-term water agreementsIdaho Governor Brad Little announced Tuesday that he will allocate an additional $10 million to projects to improve the health of the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer.

The $10 million in funding is in addition to the $30 million Little and the Idaho state legislature have allocated to recharge the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer, Little’s office said.

“My top priority has been and will continue to be maintaining a strong agricultural industry in eastern Idaho while preserving water for future generations,” Little said in a written statement. “The additional funding we announced today will move aquifer water levels in the right direction. It is part of an overall strategy to preserve our water supply here in Idaho. Ultimately, farmers, not government mandates, will drive the solutions. I am very excited about the momentum farmers are building to reach an agreement.”

Little said the $10 million came from funds freed up by cost shifts on other projects in other parts of the state.

In Idaho, water rights and water availability reached a peak on May 30, when the Idaho Department of Water Resources issued a curtailment order requiring 6,400 subordinate water rights holders to shut off their water to offset a projected water shortage for senior water rights holders. Idaho Capital Sun previously reportedThe order did not apply to the use of water in the kitchen. But it did apply Send shockwaves through agricultural communities among farmers who needed the water to irrigate the fields they had already planted before the cuts were announced.

Idaho’s first-come, first-served water policy

In Idaho, water issues are governed by a first-come, first-served approach. In other words, if there is not enough water for everyone, senior water rights holders, who have the oldest water rights, will have priority over junior water rights holders, who acquired their rights more recently.

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This year’s reduction order was in effect for about three weeks before the two sides reached an agreement whereby the State announced June 20The agreement resolved the problem for this year and lifted the benefit reduction order.

A few days after the agreement was announced, Little announced an implementing regulation It sets two new deadlines for the conclusion of water agreements between the two sides.

  • The Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer Groundwater Management Plan Advisory Council must submit a new groundwater management plan to the Idaho Department of Water Resources by September 1.
  • Surface and groundwater users must develop an improved mitigation plan by October 1.

Bingham County farmer Adam Young, who told the Sun that his family owned subordinate groundwater rights that were affected by the curtailment orderexpressed optimism on Tuesday regarding the ongoing negotiations.

“I am encouraged by the progress we are making towards real, lasting solutions,” Young said this in a written statement released on Tuesday. “We were able to come together and identify projects that will secure supplies for legacy water rights holders, conserve groundwater and maintain Idaho’s strong agricultural economy. The funding announced by Governor Little will be tremendously helpful as we build and implement the infrastructure to achieve these goals.”

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