Government supports Hungarian theatre and dance ensembles beyond its borders

Government supports Hungarian theatre and dance ensembles beyond its borders

Government supports Hungarian theatre and dance ensembles beyond its borders

This year, the Ministry of Culture and Innovation is launching a call for proposals worth HUF 50 million (EUR 126,500) to support the realisation of the priority artistic goals of professional Hungarian theatre and dance organisations beyond the borders.

The government views the cultural sector as a strategic sector within which it supports the work of Hungarian theatres and dance organisations across borders in conveying values ​​and strengthening national identity, the ministry said in a statement.

Over the last two years, a total of 27 Hungarian theatres and 10 dance companies have received funding under the call for proposals, supporting the realisation of the primary artistic goals of professional Hungarian theatres and dance organisations beyond their borders.

Under the 2024 grant, theatres can apply for funding to create independent productions and purchase the technical and scenic equipment necessary for professional operation, maintenance and development of theatre quality, while dance organisations can apply for support for professional cooperation and meetings of Hungarian professional folk dance ensembles from abroad.

The grant of HUF 50 million is open to professional Hungarian theatres and dance ensembles based in the Carpathian Basin and having their registered office or area of ​​operation outside the borders of Hungary.

The application deadline is 16 September 2024. The application form is available on the website of the National Cultural Fund of Hungary.

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Via MTI, featured image: Facebook/Hargita Székely Néptáncszínház

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