Young girl makes a difference at Douglas County Fair – Alexandria Echo Press

Young girl makes a difference at Douglas County Fair – Alexandria Echo Press

ALEXANDRIA — At 10 years old, Madaline Sanborn, daughter of Anthony and KayCee Sanborn, is already doing so much to help children and families in need. She set up a booth under the bleachers at the Douglas County Fair to raise money for the Ronald McDonald House.

However, this is not the first time Madaline has done something like this. She has been donating to people in need for about two years. During several fundraisers she organized, she received pajamas, food and money to donate to the Ronald McDonald House.

Madaline is also part of the international pageant Global United, which aims to help people suffering from childhood cancer and raises funds for childhood cancer research. Madaline’s Global United crown is adorned with a gold ribbon, which represents childhood cancer.


Madaline Sanborn holds up a wooden robot that she made and painted herself. She donated many of these toys to the children at the Ronald McDonald House.

Madison Melby/Alexandria Echo Press

In addition to her other donations to the Ronald McDonald House, Madaline makes small wooden robot toys to give to the children. So far, she has made several hundred of them.

For her booth at the Douglas County Fair, Madaline reached out to several businesses, all of whom were happy to donate to her booth. Elden’s Fresh Foods donated water bottles, Cherry Blossom Farms donated some bars, Texas Roadhouse donated peanuts, and Viking Coca-Cola provided lemonade.

Brad Brejcha, president of the Douglas County Fair Board, told Madaline that if she raised $500 at her booth, he would dye her hair the color she chose. By noon on Friday, August 16, Madaline had raised over $1,600 at the fair.

At the fair, there was a stand of Janiz Hairs under the stands, and this person contacted Brejcha.


Yesenia Gonzalez, Madaline Sanborn, Brad Brejcha and Janiz Intron pose for photos after Intron and Gonzalez dyed Brejcha’s hair. Madaline holds the $30 donated to her to have glitter applied to Brejcha’s forehead.

Madison Melby/Alexandria Echo Press

Madaline chose purple and blue for Brejcha’s hair and decided it needed glitter too.

As Brejcha was getting his hair dyed, a viewer suggested he should also get glitter smeared on his face, to which Brejcha replied, “I’ll do that for $30, which I’ll pay Madaline.” The man gave Madaline the $30 for the Ronald McDonald House, and she chose blue glitter for Brejcha’s face.

Madaline said she plans to do the same thing at the fair next year. “It helps a lot of families,” she said.

Madison Melby

Madison Melby is an intern at the Alexandria Echo Press. She has lived in Alexandria since moving there in 2016. She is currently attending the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, majoring in English and minoring in creative writing and ensemble music.

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