Car thefts in York Region more than doubled in 2024: Police Chief

Car thefts in York Region more than doubled in 2024: Police Chief

The number of car thefts has more than doubled in York Region so far this year, part of a worrying trend that has seen a sharp increase since 2019.

“Over a five-year period, we have seen a 400 percent increase in auto thefts. These are violent and traumatizing for victims and their families,” York Region Police Chief Jim MacSween told reporters at a news conference on Tuesday.

Since January, there have been a total of 64 car thefts in the region, an increase of 106 percent over the same period in 2023.

MacSween said the region has also seen a 92 percent increase in shootings, with a total of 46 shootings in the region since January.

The figures come as police release their latest crime statistics in the region, which they say is seeing an “increase” in violent crime.

“Almost all of the weapons used in these crimes are illegal handguns, many of which are smuggled across the border from the United States,” MacSween said. “The rise in gun violence can be attributed to organized crime rings obtaining illegal handguns and using them to commit a range of crimes.”

He said organized crime was also behind the rise in car thefts and ongoing conflicts in the towing industry.

“As we continue to observe, some towing companies are resorting to both gun violence and arson to threaten their business competitors,” the chief said. “The violent crime trend is a major concern and will continue to be a top priority for York Regional Police during the remaining months of 2024 and well into 2025.”

He said the YRP will launch two major initiatives next month: a special task force to combat car thefts and a “comprehensive” car theft prevention campaign to educate the public on how to protect themselves and their vehicles.

While the number of car thefts has increased, the total number of car thefts in the region has actually decreased by 33 percent compared to the same period in 2023, the chief said.

He praised the work of officials and partner agencies and organisations that contributed to this reduction.

All 15 murders were targeted

The police chief also addressed the murder cases in the region, saying they had “hit the headlines and were disturbing.”

There have been 15 murders in York Region so far this year, five of them in the last few weeks since July 25.

“All of the victims in these cases were targeted. These were not random crimes,” MacSween said. “However, we understand that these crimes can shake our community to its core and are extremely tragic for victims, family members and loved ones.”

Police said they were particularly concerned about the increase in intimate partner violence.

“We have a great concern: the murders related to gender-based violence and domestic violence are of great concern to us,” said Deputy Chief Alvaro Almeida.

“That’s why we continue to drum up support for community members to help us and warn us in time when something is coming.”

Police remain vigilant against hate crimes

This year, hate crimes in the region have increased by four percent compared to the same period last year.

“Over the past year, we have all seen clearly how easily incidents of a global nature can impact our local community,” MacSween said.

He said communities must remain vigilant and work with police to ensure safety, noting that locations in York Region have also been threatened over the past two weeks amid nationwide bomb threats against Jewish organizations.

“When incidents like this happen, our officers are proactive and reach out to our religious leaders and visit places of worship to make sure there is no threat to the community and people feel safe,” MacSween said. “York Region is one of the most diverse communities in all of Canada, which makes it a great place to live and raise a family, but there is zero tolerance for hate.”

He urged anyone who witnessed an incident to contact the police immediately.

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