Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District shuts off water early due to extensive repairs

Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District shuts off water early due to extensive repairs

You may remember the news we announced earlier this week: The Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District would shut off water for the season earlier than usual to repair the canal damaged by the fire.

The season break is usually scheduled between October 12 and 15.

“Due to the damage we need to repair to our canal this year, the board has decided that we will close on October 1 of this year to give us more time to make the necessary repairs.”

This decision came from the board of directors of the Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District (YTID).

I spoke with their district manager, Travis Okelberry, earlier this week to learn about some of the damage sustained to the canal.

“We have to do structural repairs, concrete repairs, there’s still damage from boulders that have fallen into the canal, there’s still damage from trees that have fallen over and fallen into the canal,” Okelberry said.

The canal, which is over 100 years old, has suffered several accidents that have required extensive repairs.

Including the damage caused by the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980.

“I would say that the scope of repairs that will be required after this wildfire will probably be more extensive than any repairs we have done in the past,” Okelberry said, “simply because of the extent of the damage.”

Following the impact of the retreating fires and a recent storm in the region, YTID has released an update.

He said the storm had increased concerns about stability as landslides, rain and debris had compromised the canal’s structure.

While more news is expected as lockdown approaches, Okelbeery urges people to “water liberally and fill their ponds before lockdown.”

In the meantime, YTID will continue its systematic shutdown, which Okelberry says will last until the end of the season.

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