Donkey Heroes welcome recently rescued Cindy into the family!

Donkey Heroes welcome recently rescued Cindy into the family!

Cindy may not have hooves, but she has certainly won the heart of the Rest Ur Ass donkey sanctuary. After the little dog was found (with difficulty and on three legs) by the Donkey Hero Champions, she was taken into their care, where she will now spend the rest of her life with love!

Johannesburg, South Africa (August 27, 2024) — The donkey heroes of the donkey sanctuary ‘Rest Ur Ass’ in Ruimsig recently had their hearts stolen, and not by a screaming one.

As the members of the animal shelter team drove out of a town, they were met with a heartbreaking sight: a small dog, wriggling on three legs, who would soon take up an important place in their lives.

Cindy (as the dog was later named) was seen simply “trying to survive”. Described as having a fragile limp – resembling a sack of bones – the little dog was in poor condition and immediately called to action by Lloreen Le Roux and her sister-in-law Yolanda, who also helps out at the shelter.

After some struggle, Yolanda managed to catch the frightened Cindy. After a conversation with the alleged owner of the dog, the donkey heroes gave the green light to take the dog with them – the beginning of a better life for Cindy!

After a visit to the vet, Dr. Michael, it was discovered that Cindy had many problems including neglect, a luxating patellar in one of her legs, blindness and malnutrition. She was given anti-parasite treatment and some eye drops and was soon on her way to her new home with Yolanda and her husband Francois!

While Cindy isn’t a typical member of the Rest Ur Ass family, her rescue is a testament to the kindness and compassion that have made the sanctuary what it is today.

Rest Ur Ass cares for numerous donkeys, many of which have been abused or abandoned (you may remember the team that helped Grace, a donkey rescued from Mpumalanga!). Since 2017, Lloreen, her husband Albert and their team have been taking in donkeys and providing them with a permanent home to help them heal and thrive.

You can follow their work here and support the sanctuary by (virtually) “adopting” a donkey and covering important costs for its care here.

Sources: Rest Ur Ass Donkey Sanctuary
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