New York teacher quits her job in education to become a Hooters Girl

New York teacher quits her job in education to become a Hooters Girl

New York teacher quits education job to become Hooters girl (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

A New York City teacher has quit her job in education to pursue a new career as a Hooters Girl, and it sounds like she has no regrets!

Teachers are notoriously underpaid. In New York City, it remains that way. That can be a big problem when you live in one of the most expensive cities in the world. Now, Allinson Chavez makes a lot more money as a Hooters girl.

Can you make good money as a Hooters girl?

Restaurant chains like Red Lobster have been making national headlines lately for having financial difficulties. Even fast-food chains have struggled to attract customers and have come up with various cheap menu items to win people back. Even Hooters, famous for its delicious chicken wings and scantily clad waiters, has been having such troubles lately. For now, though, it sounds like it’s a way for Chavez to make some good money.

Allinson tells The New York Post“I made 1k twice a month teaching. Now I can make $1k in two days.” Wait, what? I always knew Hooters girls probably did well compared to other waitresses because of their flirting. However, I had no idea they’d still do it so well even in 2024! Why don’t more people do this? Why do some turn to the pole instead of working the evening shift at Hooters? Working 5 days a week means she could end up making $130,000 a year (before taxes). Why am I not doing this now??

It seems like there has been a mass exodus from education in recent years. Part of it is because of the pay and it seems like another part is because of how students behave today. I can understand that, I don’t want to deal with hormone driven teenagers every day. I didn’t want to be around them in high school and I certainly don’t want to be around them now! They can be mean and I’m pretty sensitive. Apparently I’m not the only one who feels this way. According to The New York PostThe American Educational Research Association found that teachers report anxiety symptoms 40% more often than healthcare workers and 20% more often than office workers.

Chavez tells The New York Post“I was a special education teaching assistant for 10 years and only made $46,000. After COVID, it was difficult to get the kids back up to grade level after distance learning. I had to deal with a lot of behavioral issues. Sometimes the kids would get verbally and physically violent. I was living paycheck to paycheck, feeling trapped and mentally drained – it was time to move on.” It sounds like her experience with naughty kids prepared her for the type of customers she might have to deal with at Hooters.

Cort Freeman was born and raised in Metro Detroit. 13 years after graduating, he was named Clarkston High School’s 2009 class clown. That’s totally normal. He owes that to his time as an intern at Comedy Central and as a social media correspondent for The Colbert Report. Cort has done comedy all over the country, both stand-up and sit-down. When he’s not trying to make you laugh on the radio and online, he’s probably at home enjoying his favorite shows like Seinfeld, South Park, and The Office. He’s also completely uncomfortable writing about himself in the third person. Cort enjoys writing about comedy, food, sports, and entertainment. So basically anything and everything.

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