How to remove limescale from toilets with a “magic” cleaner – not vinegar or baking soda

How to remove limescale from toilets with a “magic” cleaner – not vinegar or baking soda

Cleaning the toilet can be one of the most dreaded household chores, as stains and limescale can be incredibly difficult to remove if you don’t use the right products.

Limescale can be difficult to remove because it is composed primarily of a compound called calcium carbonate, which sticks to surfaces and is resistant to most cleaning products.

Fortunately, Nathaniel Jamesson, an expert at cleaning service Get It Cleaned, reveals that there is a simple kitchen tool that can remove toilet limescale without having to spend ages scrubbing.

She said: “One of the most cost-effective and effective cleaning products you can use to remove limescale from your toilet is lemon juice.”

It may sound strange, but lemon juice can naturally dissolve the calcium carbonate in limescale deposits. Because of its acidity and slightly abrasive action, it can be easily removed without scrubbing.

How to remove limescale from a toilet with lemon juice

Simply pour lemon juice into the toilet bowl and let it flush for at least 10 minutes, although it may take longer depending on the amount of limescale.

When the time is up, carefully wipe the toilet bowl with the sponge of your toilet brush to remove the now dissolved limescale.

The residue should come off easily, then all you have to do is flush the toilet and it should be sparkling clean again.

Nathaniel said: “Lemon juice is not only relatively cheap and effective, but it is also a natural product that does not pose the health risks of the harsh chemicals used by some specialist limescale removers.”

How else can you remove limescale?

If the limescale is partially stubborn or you don’t have lemon juice, you can also clean your toilet with cola. It may sound strange, but it is extremely effective.

Nathaniel said: “Some people find it surprising that its cleaning properties are not just a myth. In fact, Coke is one of the most effective and inexpensive solutions for removing limescale from the toilet.

“Simply open the Coke bottle and run it around the rim of the toilet bowl. Let the Coke work its magic as a powerful limescale remover.”

Cola is acidic and carbonated, both of which help to dissolve the limescale. When you flush the toilet, most of it should go away without you having to scrub.

Your toilet should be free of limescale without much effort or time, using only natural remedies that you probably already have in your kitchen.

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