Catalan Metalúrgica Folch, the last pin producer in Spain, celebrates its 100th anniversary

Catalan Metalúrgica Folch, the last pin producer in Spain, celebrates its 100th anniversary

The Catalan family business Metalúrgica Folch, the only remaining Pin Producer in Spain, celebrated his 100th anniversary.

The company is located in Baix Camp in the south of Catalonia and is one of the last three companies in Europe make the pins for sewing.

When Jordi Folch, a member of the company’s second generation, took over the management of the pin business in 1985, he knew the company needed to specialise. “I decided to stop producing all the small elements we had previously made, such as buttons, chains and jewellery, and focus on better machinery,” he explains.

In addition, the number of shirt producers declined during this decade, which made the decision to specialise easier.

“Industry Clothing manufacturing was our biggest market at the time, but this has declined, especially in Europe,” emphasises Josep Maria Folch, Jordi’s son and managing director of the company.

“We used to have 200 customers making shirts and now there is only one left,” Jordi Folch told the Catalan news agency (ACN).

Image of several children made by Metal·lúrgica Folch

“In the past, 70% of our production went to clothing and 30% to haberdashery. Now it is the other way round, 70% goes to HaberdasherySewing and hobby shops,” reveals Josep Maria.

Despite the changing trends, the company produces 25 tons pins per year. Half of these are sold in Spain and the other 50% are exported to over 50 countries worldwide.

“We still have customers in places where clothing manufacturing still plays a role, such as Mexico and Colombia,” emphasizes Josep Maria.

New business areas

The current turnover is 1 million eurosa figure that the company expects to achieve by taking on two new products: Sewing measuring tapes and thimbles.

These new products have been driven by the company’s youngest generation. “In business, you always have to look for new branches, even if they may not turn out as you imagined, because one day they will,” explains Production Manager Xavier Escaich.

The machine for unpacking the Folch eyes

“The addition of new products will increase the value of the company, but the future of our business also lies in automation and increasing production efficiency,” stressed Xavier.

100 years

By adapting to change and paying careful attention to all processes during production, Metalúrgica Folch was able to endure until the celebration of its centenary.

Although Josep Maria Folch is proud of the achievements, he is worried because “companies in this country are not living to see their centenary.”

In Spain there are 318 companies who are 100 years old, while in Japan this number is about 20,000.

To celebrate this 100th anniversary, the company has designed special anniversary boxes made of metal as well as plastic and cardboard versions.

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