Zuckerberg admits misguided COVID censorship – www.israelhayom.com

Zuckerberg admits misguided COVID censorship – www.israelhayom.com

Meta Platforms Inc. CEO Mark Zuckerberg has stated in a letter to the U.S. House Judiciary Committee that Facebook was under pressure from the Biden administration to censor certain COVID-19 content during the pandemic. Zuckerberg expressed regret over the company’s response to these demands, as reported Time Magazine.

“For months in 2021, senior Biden administration officials, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire,” Zuckerberg wrote in the letter. He added: “While removing content was Meta’s decision, the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we did not talk about it more openly.”

Mark Zuckerberg (EPA/Michael Reynolds) EPA

The social media giant has faced criticism during the pandemic for deleting posts that allegedly contained misinformation about the virus or violated its policies. In just over a year, Facebook removed more than 20 million pieces of content. Time Magazine reported. Zuckerberg’s admission is in line with statements from other social media executives, such as former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who have raised concerns about past content moderation decisions.

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