YEG unveils first episode of new series on sustainability in air freight

YEG unveils first episode of new series on sustainability in air freight

The air freight industry plays a crucial role in global trade, handling USD 6 trillion worth of goods annually and representing 35% of global trade value, despite accounting for only 1% of trade volume. In just 24 hours, the sector transports 140,000 tonnes of cargo, including essential medical supplies, and thus has a significant impact on global economic development. However, it also faces significant environmental problems, with air freight emitting up to 47 times more CO2 per unit of weight than sea freight.

Yesterday, the first episode of “The Future of Transportation: Innovative and Sustainable” was released, marking the start of a video series focusing on the industry’s sustainability efforts. This series is being developed in partnership with Edmonton International Airport (YEG).

The launch of the series was announced at Air Cargo India 2024, held last February at the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai, in the presence of Joe Lawrence (President, Airline Services International), Kiran Jain (COO, Noida International Airport), Burak Omeroglu (VP, Turkish Cargo), Manoj Singh (Chief Cargo Officer, Adani Airport Holdings), Vivek Chopra (Senior Director, DB Schenker), Charles Wyley (EVP, Menzies Aviation), Danita Waterfall-Brizzi (Principal Cargo & Logistics Consultant, Hospitio Consulting Service) and Glyn Hughes (Director General, TIACA).

The launch event featured the unveiling of the series logo and a recorded message from Trevor Caswell, YEG’s Demand and Product Development Manager, who stressed the need for collaborative efforts to promote sustainability in air cargo.

Episode 1 looks at the fundamental steps the air cargo industry is taking towards sustainability. Key initiatives such as the use of sustainable aviation fuels and advances in aircraft technology to reduce carbon emissions are discussed. The episode provides insight into the industry’s progress and its commitment to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

The series continues to explore various aspects of sustainability, including operational efficiency and fleet modernization.

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