How to earn credits (money) quickly – Star Wars Outlaws Guide

How to earn credits (money) quickly – Star Wars Outlaws Guide

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Smart bets on the Father race

Don’t waste your credits betting on Fathier Racing unless you have information that guarantees you a win! You’ll get a taste of what this is like early on in Canto Bight (unfortunately there is a set bet amount), but essentially you should be looking for data blocks with information on rigged Fathier races. Once you’ve got the tip, then head to the table and place the maximum bet for the highest payout.

As you approach the table, you will see a notification in the top right corner that the race is rigged. If you don’t see it, don’t bet. Note that the information you find cannot always be followed up on specifically, and the message in the right corner may be a clue rather than the answer to the father you should bet on. Make a physical or mental note of what you are looking for.

Storm the Empire’s bases and outposts

Imperial bases in Star Wars Outlaws often offer the best loot, but they’re also the most dangerous. If you’re instructed to explore a base for a side quest or even a main quest, try to explore as much as you can while you possibly have some extra support (if not… well, at least you’re already there, right?).

The Imperial Outposts, where the Imperial Wanted Terminals are located, can also have some loot if you’re looking for some quick credits.

The smaller terminals outside of Imperial territory also tend to have light guards. Dismantling an Imperial Terminal can earn you up to 200 credits if you successfully dismantle it in the first few attempts and transfer arrest credits.

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