Evansville Rescue Mission opens as cooling center, needs bottled water

Evansville Rescue Mission opens as cooling center, needs bottled water


EVANSVILLE – With heat sweeping across the city this week, the Evansville Rescue Mission is on high alert.

Its doors are open to the public as a cold storage facility and those responsible there plan to provide water to anyone who needs it.

“During this extreme heat, we invite all members of the community, especially those without access to air conditioning, to use our facilities as a safe and cool refuge,” the facility said in a press release. “We recognize the dangers that come with high temperatures and are committed to ensuring everyone has a place to escape the heat.”

More than 5,000 bottles of water are expected to be needed this week and the rescue mission is asking the public to help with donations.

“The extreme heat is not only uncomfortable, it is dangerous. We want to ensure that everyone in our community has access to a cool environment and clean water during this critical time,” said Kyle Gorman, Executive Director of Advancement at the Evansville Rescue Mission. “We are grateful for any help the community can provide to ensure we can meet the needs of those who depend on us.”

Water bottle donations can be dropped off at any Rescue Mission facility, including the Men’s Residence Center at 500 E. Walnut St., the Thrift Store at 1107 Washington Square, or the Youth Care Center at 727 Chestnut St.

Money can also be donated through evansvillerescuemission.org.

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