TikTok claims “okra water” can cleanse and soften skin – experts have their say

TikTok claims “okra water” can cleanse and soften skin – experts have their say

We asked registered dietitians – here’s what they have to say about the health and skin benefits of okra water.

We asked registered dietitians – here’s what they have to say about the health and skin benefits of okra water. T&I Studio via Getty Images

The wellness world has always been teeming with questionable-sounding trends, and the rise of TikTok has only added fuel to the fire. The latest wellness trend that everyone is talking about on the social media platform is okra water, which promises smoother and clearer skinA more efficient digestive system, better lubricationa more balanced vaginal pH and the ability to supply the body with vitamins and minerals that can be difficult to get enough of.

But how serious is okra water anyway? Does this slimy liquid really have health benefits or is it just the latest wellness trend based on the motto “here today, gone tomorrow”? We asked state-certified nutritionists – here is their answer.

What is okra water?

First of all, what is okra water and how is it prepared?

“Okra water is water you drink after soaking okra for 24 hours,” explains Amy Goldsmitha registered dietitian at Kindred Nutrition. “To make okra water, cut five to six okra pods into smaller pieces and place them in an airtight container, such as a mason jar, with 16 ounces of water.” After letting it sit in the refrigerator for 24 hours, you can strain and drink it.

Sophie Lauver, a registered dietitian at Aeroflow Diabetes, added that while Goldsmith’s recipe is a great blueprint, okra water is very new and there isn’t necessarily an “official” recipe. “The goal is to get it to take on a thicker, gel-like consistency from the mucilage of the okra,” she said.

The (potential) benefits of okra water.

Like most trendy wellness waters, proponents of okra water claim it can do everything from balancing vaginal pH to healing acne. It’s hard for registered dietitians to say what the exact benefits of okra water are since it hasn’t been on the market long, but Lauver said the only evidence we really have for the benefits of okra water has to do with the health benefits of okra as a vegetable.

“We know that okra is a very nutritious vegetable and is high in soluble fiber, which can help improve blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol,” Lauer said. “Its insoluble fiber helps keep things moving through our digestive tract and reduces the risk of colon cancer, constipation and other gastrointestinal problems.”

Lauver added: some studies have shown that eating okra or okra capsules can improve blood sugar control and that it is a superfood when it comes to vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, namely vitamin K, C, magnesium, calcium and B vitamins. “There is also a lot of evidence that adequate hydration and a high intake of fiber-rich vegetables reduce the risk of chronic disease, so eating more vegetables can only be beneficial for overall health,” Lauver said.

With that in mind, Goldsmith pointed out that you’re unlikely to get many of the benefits of okra from okra water, since you’re not actually ingesting the vegetable. “Many of the nutrients are found in the skin and cells of the vegetable,” she explained. “However, since you’re drinking the water, it does have a positive effect on your daily fluid needs.”

As for the claim that okra water can balance the pH of the vagina and provide better moisture in the intimate area, Goldsmith and Lauver do not see much evidence for this.

Are there any risks associated with drinking okra water?

While okra water probably doesn’t have many health benefits, it probably won’t harm you either – unless you’re allergic to okra. And if you use it as a sort of “cleanse,” that can cause problems, too. “It’s important to note that this beverage contains very few calories,” Goldsmith said. “If you drink okra water as a meal replacement or to try to cut calories, you run the risk of not getting enough energy in a day, which will negatively affect your mood, thinking ability, concentration, sleep and more.”

Another risk, Lauver said, may be adding sweeteners to your okra water to make it more palatable. “The added sugar and calories could have unintended effects, particularly with implications for weight management and blood sugar control,” she said. “And as with all dietary changes, you should consult your doctor and a registered dietitian to see if this choice is right for you.”

If you’re thinking about adding okra water to your diet, both Lauver and Goldsmith will be the first to tell you that, in general, it’s probably a safe choice. But if you expect it to change your life and health, you’re probably better off waiting until more research is done before spending hours chopping, soaking, and straining okra. In the meantime, feel free to fry it or add it to a stir-fry—you’ll likely reap more health benefits that way.


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