Marty Friedman reveals he was too small for Kiss

Marty Friedman reveals he was too small for Kiss

Every rocker kid growing up in the 70s dreamed of being in the legendary rock band Kiss. ​​At least, I assume they did, and that they smoked cigarettes and ate lead paint chips by the age of 10. I don’t know much more about the 70s, but apparently not everyone can join the famous group. According to Marty Friedman, Kiss are very strict about the minimum height. Supposedly, you have to be that tall to rock ‘n’ roll all night and party every day.

In a recent interview with Sam Ash Music (this was transcribed by Ultimate Guitar), legendary guitarist Marty Friedman told the story of how he was contacted about the possibility of auditioning with Kiss, but was turned down because he wasn’t tall enough:

“Yes, that’s right. I was too short. I answered the other questions well. I answered the other questions well. He says, ‘You have long hair?’ Yes. ‘You don’t have a beard?’ Right. ‘You’re single?’ Yes. ‘You’re skinny?’ Yes. ‘Not blonde?’ Yes. I answered all of those things. And then he says, ‘What about your height? Are you 6’2 and standing without shoes?’ I say, ‘Oh shit, not even close.'”

Apparently they were so strict that they didn’t even allow him to compensate for his height with shoes:

“They said 6’1″ without shoes. I wear high heels anyway. They said 6’1″ without shoes. I had everything else on. And I was so upset. I was so upset. But what can you do?”

It’s a shame Friedman didn’t even get to audition because of his size, but maybe he was spared being immortalized as a cheesy avatar in a gimmick that would probably fail spectacularly, so at least he has that going for him.

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