After a 5-hour operation, a 17-year-old girl had a 16 cm hairball removed from her stomach

After a 5-hour operation, a 17-year-old girl had a 16 cm hairball removed from her stomach

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The patient had a strong habit of eating her hair.

The patient had a strong habit of eating her hair.

17-year-old Khushi Gautam had been suffering from abdominal pain for many days and after her surgery, doctors found a large tuft of hair on her stomach.

17-year-old girl Khushi Gautam recently made headlines after a 16 cm long pile of hair was discovered in her stomach. This unusual incident attracted a lot of attention and even astonished medical professionals.

Khushi, from Amdar village in Sindhauli district, had been suffering from severe stomach pain, restlessness and constant vomiting for several days. Her family took her to the Government Medical College in Shahjahanpur, where doctors conducted a series of tests to diagnose her condition. A CT scan showed a trichobezoar – a large mass of swallowed hair – in her stomach. This discovery led to urgent surgical intervention.

During the surgery, the surgical team led by Dr. Vibhor Jain, Head of the Department of Surgery, and Dr. Aditya Kumar Singh and Dr. Gaurav, Head of the Department of Anaesthesiology, discovered a large lump of hair in her intestine. This mass was causing significant health problems, including the severe symptoms that Khushi was already experiencing.

Dr Pooja Tripathi, a professor at the medical college, explained that the medical team initially suspected that Khushi might have kidney stones. However, the CT scan revealed the real cause – a heavy accumulation of hair in her abdomen. Noting that such cases are extremely rare, Dr Tripathi attributed Khushi’s condition to her compulsive habit of eating her hair, a condition known as trichotillomania. This behavior led to the formation of the hairball in her digestive tract.

Khushi’s parents stated that she had a history of eating her hair, which ultimately led to the formation of the trichobezoar. The successful surgery alleviated her symptoms and Khushi’s condition has improved since then. This case highlights the health risks associated with trichotillomania and highlights the need for early intervention and treatment of compulsive behavior to prevent serious medical complications.

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