How the cost of living affects people Part 90

How the cost of living affects people Part 90

Stabroek News spoke to Toshaos from various villages in the hinterland about the cost of living and how it affects them. Here are their comments:

Interviews and photos by Subhana Shiwmangal

Monty Simon

Monty Simon from Kabakaburi, Region Two: “The cost of living has affected us negatively, especially in the construction sector. The materials are very expensive and most of it has to be sourced from the coast. For example, when people on the coast buy sand and stones, the cost is not that high as they get them delivered directly to the construction site on the coast. However, in our case, we now have to get a boat and transport to bring these things to our village. We have to pay more for the construction materials and on top of that, transport costs to bring the materials to the village. This is not only the case in Region Two but across the country. And we have to cope with this until the construction materials are subsidised by the government to cover the high costs, especially when the villages get these small government projects or the government introduces schemes for the people in the hinterland and riverine communities. The cost of food is not that high in the village. The costs vary as some items would cost more in the village but compared to the prices at which food is sold on the coast, the prices are reasonable. For example, the cost of sugar has increased in the village but on the coast it is high. A few months ago a bag of cement cost about $1600 to $1800, today cement costs over $2000 per bag. Also, a foot of zinc cost about $200 about a year ago, today a foot of zinc costs over $300.

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