Flooring scandal rocks Home Depot

Flooring scandal rocks Home Depot

Flooring scandal rocks Home Depot

Atlanta, GA, August 1, 2007– Four merchandising managers at THome Depot Inc. was fired for allegedly accepting bribes of up to $1 million to supply stores with flooring it bought from certain foreign suppliers, the company said. TTuesday.

Jerry Shields, a Home Depot spokesman, described the three men and the woman as lower-level managers. TThey were fired two weeks ago for “not following corporate ethics and business practices,” Shields said.

He couldn’t say how long the employees had worked at Home Depot. TThe products included tiles and other floor coverings from foreign manufacturers, Shields said, without elaborating. He did not name the suppliers other than to say they were based in Asia. TThe identity of the employees has not been established.

Home Depot, the world’s largest home improvement chain, said in a statement that it was cooperating with the authorities and that the case was being investigated. It was initially unclear whether charges had been or would be filed.

“It is important to note that this matter does not have a material impact on our consolidated financial position or results of operations,” Home Depot said. “Compliance with our ethical standards is of the utmost importance to THome Depot and is something we are strongly enforcing.”

According to the Atlanta-based company, the company was alerted to the matter by an unidentified person and immediately began investigating the situation. Officials would not identify who the informant was.

TThe company said employees likely received bribes of up to $1 million.

Home Depot operates more than 2,000 stores in the United States, Canada, Mexico And ChinaIn addition to tiles, the company also sells wood and carpet flooring.

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