Meet Izzac Carroll – Dance Australia

Meet Izzac Carroll – Dance Australia

Studied: Sydney Dance Company, PPY.
Currently: Ballet National de Marseille

Izzac Carroll; Photo by Pedro Greig
Izzac Caroll (front); photo by Pedro Greig

I have been employed by the Ballet National de Marseille in the South of France for two years. I have previously worked with companies such as the Sydney Dance Company, the Company Wayne McGregor, Project Animo and the Australian Dance Theatre. I am also signed to M Models in Paris and work as a model whenever my schedule allows.

I began training full-time with the Australian Dance Performance Institute in Brisbane in 2013 and then moved on to the Sydney Dance Company’s Pre-Professional Year for two years in 2015. Upon graduation, I was lucky enough to be offered a full-time contract with the Sydney Dance Company for three incredible years.

During my training at SDC PPY, I began to understand the conditioned ego versus my authentic self and how it can affect the way I see the room and the way the room sees me. I was shown that I have something to learn from everyone. The times I thought I knew better were a missed opportunity to grow. I realized that confidence is key, but a stubborn ego will only ever hold you back.

My original vision of a career in dance changed during my time at PPY. I discovered what was possible in our industry and realized that the world is much bigger than I originally thought. There are so many amazing companies out there doing extraordinary things. I also realized my love for choreography and creating work, which remains my ultimate goal to this day: to become a choreographer.

My best advice is: stop trying to be someone else. Use inspiration to get motivated. Find out what you want to say and find your way to express it. Life is not about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself. If you try to be like someone else, you will never reach your maximum authentic potential.

Izaac is one of many talented graduates featured in our guide to full-time study in the current July/August/September issue. Buy your copy from your favourite retailer or subscribe or buy online here. Print is for the ages!

Watch his video @_dance_australia



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