Fantasy animation tells heartwarming story

Fantasy animation tells heartwarming story

Short animated film
Renai Dance tells the story of a young girl with a passion for ballet and her grandfather who specializes in lion dancing. CHINA DAILY

A film that focuses on family love and traditional culture is gaining recognition both at home and abroad, reports Cheng Yuezhu.

A grandfather performing a wonderful lion dance, a granddaughter with a passion for ballet – animation artist Yang Zhike and her team have brought the universal dilemma of generational conflict to life in a short fantasy animation film that weaves a magic of family love and cultural heritage.

Renai Dance unfolds with heartwarming moments between the grandfather and his granddaughter Bella, with the grandfather performing spectacular lion dance moves to get Bella to eat her vegetables.

When she grows up, she leaves home to dance ballet. When she returns, she discovers that her grandfather has died. Overwhelmed by grief, she almost falls down the stairs, but then a miracle happens. Her grandfather’s ghost comes to her aid and the two meet again.

With Yang as creative director, Wu Wenjie as technical director and Chang Han-chen as creative producer, the 3D animation won the 2024 Golden A’Design Award in the film, video and animation design category. On July 18, Yang attended the gala ceremony of the international design award in Como, Italy.

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