AI Instigator Revealed and Gets to Work – Big Brother Network

AI Instigator Revealed and Gets to Work – Big Brother Network

AI Instigator Revealed and Gets to Work – Big Brother Network

On Sunday night’s episode of Big Brother 26, we learned who the AI ​​instigator is and saw him throw his first punch. Oh, and we also got to see the latest Head of Household competition and an unusual edit that made it look like the new Head of Household had no target.

The episode begins after Brooklyn’s eviction. Tucker is happy that the Pentagon is now just a triangle, and Chelsie is happy that she won the AI ​​Arena competition. Tucker then tells Cam that if he was still on the block with Chelsie, he’d probably go home. This was news to Cam, but Cam barely reacts to anything in the game, so we can’t be sure what he’s really feeling.

Now everyone feels guilty about sending Brooklyn out for some reason. That seems to be the theme of this season. They send someone out and then seem to regret their decision.

It’s time for the Head of Household competition. In this HOH competition, players have to watch some clips and remember as much as they can. They are then asked true or false questions. The last person standing is the new Head of Household.

After the first round, Angela and Quinn are out.

After the second round, Leah, Kimo, Makensy and Cam are eliminated.

In round three, Joseph, Chelsie and Rubina are eliminated. T’Kor remains. T’Kor is therefore the new head of the household.

And that was probably the fastest competition for the title of Head of Household that I’ve ever seen. If this had aired at the end of Thursday’s episode, Julie would have panicked and then they would all have been called back to the living room so Julie could ask them silly questions to fill up the remaining time of the episode.

The question now is what T’Kor will do this week. And even she doesn’t seem to know the answer. She tells Kimo and Rubina that she will need their help.

But first we have to find out who the AI ​​instigator is. And it’s Tucker! And his first instigation is through a Quinn hologram. And Fake Quinn brings up the show romance between Tucker and Rubina. And that makes Rubina cry. Oops. Tucker probably wasn’t expecting that. Tucker lets us know that he really just wanted to bring the whole thing out into the open so they could stop hiding and put an end to the rumors. And none of the house guests know what’s going on because no one has been told what it’s about. They are not sure if this is a competition or if it is a new power that America has voted on.

Now back to HOH business. T’Kor is starting her talks to figure out who she’s going to nominate for eviction this week. And she’s not really getting much from anyone. And she wants to use Tucker as a pawn. He doesn’t really want to ascend, but he said if she really needs him to ascend, he can’t offer it to the other HOHs and offer himself to her. He lets us know in the diary room that he doesn’t want to do it, but he cares about T’Kor so much that he’d be willing to make it easier for her by ascending.

Then Angela comes into the HOH room crying and tells T’Kor, Kimo and Rubina that she feels like she’s going home. They tell her that this hasn’t even been discussed yet.

That’s why T’Kor takes the easy route at the nomination ceremony and chooses Makensy, Cam and Tucker.

And now a few comments. There was speculation that T’Kor’s target all along was Tucker, so she wanted him to go up as a “pawn,” and then she tells us there’s no real target this week. She didn’t say those words openly to anyone – not even on the live feeds – but that’s the common theory among fans.

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