The City of Woodway is facing a financial burden on its water and sewer systems

The City of Woodway is facing a financial burden on its water and sewer systems


The City of Woodway is working to resolve the financial problems of its sewer and water systems.

“I just see that the water bills seem to be extremely high,” said Woodway resident David Slatter.

While water prices have remained the same over the past two years, operating costs have increased.

“Especially for seniors, especially with food prices, gas prices and all the other things we’re dealing with,” Slatter said.

In a statement, the city said revenues have declined while expenses have increased. Additionally, due to the large amounts of rain the area has received this year, less water has been used for lawn care and costs for well repairs and other items have skyrocketed.

“Our revenues are less than budgeted and expenses are higher. This year we have had significantly more rainfall than last year, resulting in less water used for farm maintenance. In addition, we have had to incur higher well repairs, wastewater treatment costs and water purchases than last year,” said Brenda Hernandez, Woodway’s finance director.

In addition, the city says it has to buy more water from the city of Waco, which is more expensive than pumping water from wells.

Neighbors told me behind closed doors that they were concerned about the rising cost of living – and that this change would put a great strain on their families.

“That would hurt, yes,” said Slatter.

The city plans to transfer money from its general fund to the utilities, with revenues expected to be around $850,000.

The transfer has not yet taken place and must first be approved by the city council as part of a budget resolution.

The city could also increase water and sewer rates by 5% and sliding scale rates by 5-10%.

If approved, this will come into force on October 1st.

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