“Hotel Portofino”, Season 3, Episode 5, Review: “Revelations”

“Hotel Portofino”, Season 3, Episode 5, Review: “Revelations”

Based on the information they received at the end of the last episode, Lucian, Marco, and Virat go into the woods to search for Nish and Gianluca. They find a shallow grave with skeletons. Virat recognizes a bracelet Nish gave him and knows his brother is dead. Unfortunately, Danioni gets wind of what they are doing and he and his henchmen are moments away from finding the trio digging in the woods. Knowing they found the bodies, Danioni knows the men must be stopped. All three men deal with the news that Nish and Gianluca have been murdered. Virat is devastated. Lucian wants to avenge Nish’s murder and Marco wants to take Danioni down.

A distraught Lucian visits Constance and tells her, “Everyone I care about is gone, except you. I still love you, Constance.” They eventually kiss, but Constance, perhaps remembering what Claudine told her, tells him, “I love you too, but this won’t work.” Lucian wants Constance to run away with him. She reminds him that she has a life and a child in Portofino. Paola (who is quickly becoming my favorite character) is fed up with Lucian trying to drag Constance into his increasingly dangerous nonsense. If, as the saying goes, looks could kill, Lucian would be a dead man from the daggers Paola shoots at him with her eyes alone.

Bella tells Marco that before he does anything against Danioni, they should first talk to Count Albani. He knows people and may know the best way to bring Danioni to justice. Marco becomes jealous, which does not paint a good picture. Constance sees Lucian with a gun. He tells her, “I couldn’t live with myself if I let Nish’s death go unavenged.” Constance replies, “I couldn’t live with a man who kills in cold blood.” It seems that father and son have the same goal, which is to kill Danioni.

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