Costs of almost 1.2 million USD for water and sewage supply to Lübeck elementary school | News, Sports, Jobs

Costs of almost 1.2 million USD for water and sewage supply to Lübeck elementary school | News, Sports, Jobs

Costs of almost 1.2 million USD for water and sewage supply to Lübeck elementary school | News, Sports, Jobs

An artist’s rendering of what the new Lubeck Elementary School could look like once construction is complete. The West Virginia Public Service Commission has approved plans to run a water and sewer line to the site and estimates the cost to complete both at around $1.1 million. (Image provided)

LUBECK – Documents from the Public Service Commission of West Virginia show that the water connection to the new Lubeck Elementary School will cost $575,000 and the sewer system will cost $600,000.

The documents say the Lubeck Public Service District and Wood County Schools believe a grant from the West Virginia Infrastructure and Jobs Development Council could help with the sewer expansion, but it is not guaranteed. The Public Service District agreed to apply for a grant of up to $200,000 to be used toward sewer costs. If the grant is not paid out or is less than the required amount, the Wood County Board of Education agrees to escrow the remaining balance, the documents say.

The document states that after the school board reviews the agreement, $575,000 will be allocated for water expansion and $300,000 for sewer expansion. It says the agreement should be approved. “as soon as possible” as both parties wish to have the extensions completed by July 1, 2026.

Ryan Taylor, president and CEO of Pickering Associates, said it could take some time before the agreement is presented to the board. He said his company has turned over designs for the extensions to the Lubeck Public Service District, which now needs to have them reviewed by its engineers, the Thrasher Group.

“We work closely with the Thrasher Group,” Taylor said.

He said he believes the design phase is about 30% complete. He said things are still progressing and Pickering will work in parallel with the Thrasher group.

According to the documents, the extensions will run from the intersection of New England Ridge Road (West Virginia 892) and Harris Highway (West Virginia 68) south to the intersection of 68 and Clark Road. The water main will consist of approximately 2,500 feet of 8-inch PVC water main, a fire hydrant, and all associated appurtenances. The sewer main will consist of approximately 2,500 feet of 8-inch PVC gravity main, 15 manholes, and all associated appurtenances.

The 31.23-acre property at 143 Clark Road in Washington was purchased in March for $755,000. Board President Justin Raber said in May the other two offers the district had received for possible sites were well over $1 million, and Superintendent Christie Willis said all of the properties they were looking at would need to have utilities installed.

Community members have expressed concerns about the amount paid for the property, but Raber said they have looked at other data such as the county tax assessment and spoken to economic development experts about typical property values.

“The professional advice helped us a lot with this purchase,” Raber said in May.

Designs are still evolving and changing, but progress and artist renderings of what the school could look like can be found on the district’s website at

Douglass Huxley can be reached at [email protected].

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