“We are neither racist nor right-wing extremist”

“We are neither racist nor right-wing extremist”

“We are neither racist nor right-wing extremist.” That is the message of a group of anti-immigration activists who gathered in Newcastle city centre today.

Members of Britain United, a group founded online two weeks ago, met at the South African War Memorial in front of Haymarket subway station from 2 p.m. this afternoon.

The national anthem “Rule, Britannia” and pre-recorded speeches from Reform UK leader Nigel Farage were played over a megaphone by the group of about 12 people holding Union Jacks and placards. One of the placards read: “Save our culture. Save our values ​​and beliefs. Save our heritage and our history.”

Jade Pearson, who took part in the demonstration, also shouted chants through the megaphone with messages such as “Home our veterans first before the boats go well,” “Help our veterans before anyone else goes well,” and “Protect our culture.”

Speaking to ChronicleLive, the 29-year-old from South Shields said: “If (migrants) are going to come here, they should do it the right way (and) our homeless veterans should be housed first. If there were no homeless people on the streets, then it would be fine for you to come here. I will even pay for your accommodation.”

She added: “We are branded as right-wing extremists, but we are neither right-wing extremists nor racist.”

Organizers who were present but wished to remain anonymous had a similar message. They said: “We are not racists and we are not far-right. What makes us sick is that people enter illegally without their conditions being checked and are then housed, while we have war veterans on the streets and pensioners without warm homes.”

One of the organizers added: “I spoke to someone from Team Valley and he said he tried to get help but he couldn’t because it was seen as if he had intentionally made himself homeless. But the people who came here intentionally made themselves homeless.”

Organizers said the demonstration was planned last week and although few people attended today, the group had quickly gained around 200 members.

They added: “Britain United has made it loud and clear. Joining the group is free from racism and violence.”

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