Episode 3 of (R)Evolutionizing Manufacturing: All about AI

Episode 3 of (R)Evolutionizing Manufacturing: All about AI

Below is a partial transcript of this episode:

Scott Achelpohl: This month, August, Jeff and I are all about AI and we’ll be talking about what is probably the hottest topic in manufacturing.

This is one that we Intelligent Industry cover a LOT, but are also a bit of a mystery, as use cases for companies that make and sell things are – believe it or not – still coming into focus, even though in 2024 there has already been an explosion of things AI can potentially do for you.

See also: Survey shows that enthusiasm for the new generation of artificial intelligence is dampened by reality

But AI applications in manufacturing are still so new and, one might say, relatively unproven compared to some long-standing factory practices and technologies. Some would argue that we have been using forms of AI for a long time. Well… that’s what we’re going to discuss and debate today.

Jeff Winters: AI is by far the hottest topic right now. It’s changing the way companies strategize, plan, and even invest – so we need to get into it and I’m excited to dive into it!

Scott: We have reported on several studies pointing to different stages of early (we would even question whether it is “early” at this point) adoption of AI in manufacturing, with one expert, Vala Afshar of Salesforce, predicting 2024 as the “Year of AI Implementation” and warns everyone against adopting this technology in manufacturing.

To be honest, our heads are spinning about what will happen with the introduction of artificial intelligence: A survey A survey of 508 industrial companies in 14 countries conducted in May by Researchscape and Rootstock, a cloud ERP provider we studied, found that AI is widely adopted, with 90% of companies using it in some form in their operations. an earlier studypublished in December 2023 by Sikich Industry Pulse found low adoption: less than 20% of manufacturers implemented AI.

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That was, I want to reiterate, in December; 2024 will turn out to be the year of AI implementation. So, Jeff, what’s going on? Why is the AI ​​landscape seemingly so exciting and yet so uncertain? Is this a matter where companies perhaps want the hype to pass, for others to make the mistakes and learn the lessons before jumping in the deep end themselves?

Jeff: So it’s pure coincidence – and a bit funny – that I read these studies – and thought the same thing myself – I even have a few more that I can point to that show the big differences in AI adoption statistics. It’s all about the way the questions are worded.

AI is a ubiquitous technology that affects both people and businesses. Sometimes it is obvious and direct, but sometimes it is hidden in the background without people noticing. This makes it difficult to compile statistics on adoption.

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Why is the AI ​​landscape so exciting? Well, it is fascinating – it has that science fiction charm that we have felt since childhood. Many movies, good and bad, have predicted these capabilities. After all, the goal of AI is to replicate human intelligence.

We are fascinated by its potential and drawn to its promise. Every new technology brings uncertainty, but this one is different. We can already tell that it will permeate every part of every function of every company – and our personal lives too. Few technologies have such reach and impact. That is exciting and scary at the same time.

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